I found this post by our own R9SCarry on another forum and thought it may be of interest to some.
R9S Range and Ammo Comparison Report - (bit long but I hope usefully comprehensive.)
Well ... managed to go early to a club meeting this evening and spend hour and a half on range to check out the lil' puppy. Took F-1 Chrony and printer ..... and set up target at approx 7 paces .. 21'. Used bench with sandbags, Chrony was approx 18" in front (didn't like the muzzle blast!! ). If anyone hasn't seen the pic of the R9S ... it's in this post.
I fired a string of 5 shots of each of eight ammo varieties I had on hand .... all rested and at a slow pace, taking a print-out for each set .... using the printer then to give me other stat's values (see lower down this post). The first pic below is the major part of a sheet of letter paper with all shots on .. so variations due to ammo types, plus as you can see, the overall trend is for the gun to shoot a bit low and left. The paper is rather thin and so quite a few areas have torn excessively . It still tho gives a feel for where the shots went on average.
Next, standing shooting (used White Box) ... again from the 21' distance and at a moderate pace. Not true rapid, more deliberate but fast. Two rounds connected nicely in center and others spread out .... and I was aiming off to higher right, following the earlier results. Still, for the distance with such a small gun ... OK by me. And I'm no Jerry Mikulik (spl?)!!
Then moved forward to 15' distance ... and this time shot what I'd call medium rapid .. all a tad low but again, I wasn't complaining! Back to letter paper again.
And finally ... from the 7' distance ..... and this time fired at fastest possible ... barely any pretence at attempting aim recovery ... this was go,go,go time!! I was pleased with the three on the circle and the other two were not totally useless
So .. verdict so far in the test? Pretty damn pleased!! I will admit, like perhaps any of the real small guns, this requires some ''knack'' to get the grip right. Limp wristing is a total no-no! I guess I fired off about 70 rounds all told ... and my strong hand began to notice discomfort slightly - in area at base of thumb and, first section of ring finger. In fairness it was hot and humid and my sweat made for softer skin I think. Anyways .. heck ... this gun is not about shooting hundreds of rounds of bullseye ... it's a carry piece!
Recoil is, what? Pretty stout shall we say .... but what would you expect from a gun weighing a mere 12.8 oz unloaded and shooting a high pressure round.
Perhaps the most remarkable thing I was aware of throughout this test session was - the amazingly sweet double action pull. Sure, it's quite long - has to be .. but man is it ever silky (the trigger guard gives enough space for the finger too, something I do not like too much with the KelTec trigger guard which is not high enough for me), and - hard to believe it'll hit pin hard enough with so little effort to pull thru. Being D/A only ..... of course, racking the slide to load chamber does not leave a cocked hammer. There is no safety per se but the D/A is in itself well adequate to provide a safety feature. Also, the extractor acts as a loaded chamber indicator ... being flush with slide when a round is chambered .. easy to feel by touch as well as visual inspection.
The ammo results I'll now give you, reflect on its 2.9" barrel . It is locking breech and right hand twist. You may find some of this of interest both from the POV of the particular gun but also actual ammo comparisons in this cal. No FTF's at all.
Ammo type ........ UMC 115 grn FMJ
Shot # 1 - 1028.73 fps
Shot # 2 - 981.34 fps
Shot # 3 - 1016.20 fps
Shot # 4 - 998.76 fps
Shot # 5 - 601.49 fps (yikes!!)
Low vel = 601.49
Hi vel = 1028.73
Average vel = 925.30
Hi-Lo extreme spread = 427.24 (another yikes!)
Standard Deviation = 181.88
Muzzle energy (based on average vel) = 218 ft lbs
(I have reaffirmed my view that this ammo is near total crap ... that last shot gave me an FTE - hardly surpising perhaps. Dirtiest stuff out there. No more for me Mr Rem thank you).
NOTE!! .. First time using this printer and forgot to reset so all ammo shot was as one string! Duh! Never mind .. I am adding most info for remaining ammo types - just not bothering yet to work out Standard Deviation.
Ammo type ........ Winchester White Box 115 grain FMJ
Shot # 1 - 1036.48 fps
Shot # 2 - 1025.41 fps
Shot # 3 - 1037.72 fps
Shot # 4 - 1047.52 fps
Shot # 5 - 1038.97 fps
Low vel = 1025.41
Hi vel = 1037.72
Average vel = 1037.22
Hi-Lo extreme spread = 12.31 (good I reckon!)
Standard Deviation = (too lazy to calc!)
Muzzle energy (based on average vel) = 275 ft lbs
Ammo type ........ Igman (Bosnian mfr) ... 124 grain FMJ
Shot # 1 - 974.55 fps
Shot # 2 - 1002.07 fps
Shot # 3 - 960.32 fps
Shot # 4 - 1035.15 fps
Shot # 5 - 1015.18 fps
Low vel = 960.32
Hi vel = 1035.15
Average vel = 997.2 nom
Hi-Lo extreme spread = 74.83
Standard Deviation = (too lazy to calc!)
Muzzle energy (based on average vel) = 274 ft lbs
Continued - Wouldn't let me put it all in one post!!