I use mine primarily as a BUG, sometimes primary depending upon dress.
Weak hand recoil is a valid concern.
If the hand/wrist is not held firmly enough or some refer to it as "locked wrist", you can get failures to eject (stovepipe), and failures to feed.
You have to have 100% confidence in your carry piece.
Just be sure to spend extra range time and rounds learning the right techniques - AFTER you have them down with your strong hand.
Most of us don't like to practice with our weak hands because it is awkward, not fun and it makes us look bad to others.
But like anything else, with practice, you will get better and it will become fun and second nature.
Good Luck and Good Shooting
by the way, I carry mine weak side because of a forum member's advice about "what if the strong hand is tied up doing something else with the bad guy".