Perhaps you are all right. If this was posted on other forum like Seecamp, the reaction may have been similar. However, I am often a guest on the Seecamp forum - have two of those -one of the first ever made - and I know Larry Seecamp who is the moderator. I can tell you that he would never respond to criticism, as unfair and unjustified as it may be, with such a vitriolic reaction
I also recall the entries in the Kahr forum (I had one for a while) and believe me, they were often bad but they did not personally attacked the writer. In short, if you know the value of Rohrbaugh and appreciate everything about it you do not need to criticize someone who perhaps had a streak of bad luck with his. Nothing is perfect.
Finally, thanks to all of you who welcome me to the forum, particularly those who have gone to trouble of looking up my first post and to John who remembered that I will be moving to Florida - it is a good feeling to know that the forum members are doing their research.