Another factor-
Depends on the pocket!
As a guy who makes pocket holsters, I can tell you that Levi brand jeans have shallow back pockets, and don't work well.
Wrangler jeans have much deeper pockets.
My wife has bought me a few pairs of more expensive "designer" jeans, and they all work well with an R9 in the pocket. I usually wear Costco jeans, which work pretty well.
Almost all jeans and dress slacks work fine for front-pocket carry.
Just something else to consider....
If you decide to get a Rohrbaugh, I doubt you will ever be disappointed.
Because of the holsters I make, I've got the Ruger LCP, Taurus TCP, Kahr .380, S&W Bodyguard, and Kel-Tec .380, but my daily carry is the Rohrbaugh.