I am having problems with the magazine dropping when firing the first round, but only when loaded with 6+1.
A little background first: I received my R9S in mid 2005. For nearly 2 years I struggled with various FTF and jamming problems. Finally when I discovered the new magazine springs in early 2007 this ended virtually all of the jamming / feeding problems. In the last 142 rounds since replacing the mag springs there has been 1 jam when previously there was a jam in almost every mag full.
17% of mags-full I have shot have had, on the first round, the magazine drop down just enough so the next round is not picked up and chambered. This only happens when loaded with 6 in the mag + 1 chambered. Only. Has never happened with 5+1.
I became so discouraged that I have not shot the R9S in three years. I just finished my second range session this year, 107 rounds, the only problem is this mag drop problem. 5 times in 11 mags-full loaded 6+1. I am almost to the place where I am comfortable carrying it but…I’m just not quite there yet.
I did a bit of searching and was not able to find any previous posts although I do recall reading some.
Is there a cure for this? How many have also had this problem? Any thoughts, comments, suggestions? Any help is most appreciated.