Author Topic: Why are there so many reconditioned R9's  (Read 12659 times)

Offline Richard S

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Re: Why are there so many reconditioned R9's
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2006, 02:14:52 PM »
I am not trying to be difficult here Richard but all your statistics come from this forum.  I am guessing that there has to be at least "few" more reconditioned than we know about.



I know you're not trying to be difficult, and I concur that the Forum could not possibly be expected to contain references to every R9 which has had to be reconditioned.  Still, it seems to me that the following factors are worth consideration in the context of the question you have posed:

(1)  There have been, according to my understanding, approximately 1,500 R9s shipped to the public;

(2)  The Forum now has over 650 members and is the only message board on the internet dedicated to the R9.

(3)  It has been my experience that, in all matters involving human discourse, "bad news" tends to travel more quickly and be dispersed more widely than the good.

(4)  Unless properly defined, the term "reconditioned" is imprecise and could be used on the one hand to describe something as simple as factory replacement of a faulty spring or on the other the repair of a catastrohic failure.

(5)  The Rohrbaugh Brothers have been quoted as noting that the problems with many R9s returned to the factory are demonstrably attributable to improper cleaning and maintenance.

(6)  In light of the foregoing considerations, it seems likely that if there had been a statistically significant number of catastrophic failures with the R9s, it would have surfaced on this Forum by now.  

I hope and trust that you will soon be able to join the ranks of those of us who own flawless R9s in which we have complete confidence.

Good luck.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2006, 02:17:09 PM by Richard_S »
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Re: Why are there so many reconditioned R9's
« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2006, 03:08:26 PM »
Even Glocks have had their share of problems.......the .40 "kabooms"! Glock has had several BLOW UP!

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Re: Why are there so many reconditioned R9's
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2006, 06:10:09 PM »
Thanks for the info. guys.  I learned a lot.  Arego's seems real popular, that's where I got mine!!!

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Re: Why are there so many reconditioned R9's
« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2006, 06:15:00 PM »
Mine came from Arego's also. It continues to function flawlessly.

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Re: Why are there so many reconditioned R9's
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2006, 06:22:18 PM »
I dont find any fault with Arego's. They simple distribute and did right by me.  If my expieriances with the R-9 were differant with a brand new one then Id have to fault MYSELF for getting a reconditioned one. That being said I do believe it makes more sense to adapt ( as best as possible) to the gun as opposed to the other way around.

The limpwrist issue? I dont buy that line of crap for a minute. Its an OLD and OVER used excuse often cast when one simply doesn't have an explanation. True it is possible to Limpwrist an auto, and often "machismo" sets in with the limpwrister in denial. " Hey! I dont limpwrist! Im big bad and mean!" It happens, but realisticly, a 7 year old that fires an R-9 probably doesnt have the grip a 243 pound wieght lifter does.
Im sure it never hurts to overstate the obvious ( visions of telling my wife ive lost my keys only to have her ask, "where did you leave them last?" Now dont you think if i knew that they would be lost?!) -so by all means "hold it like you mean it!" Just be aware of the limpwristing, improper lube, soak it with grease, etc. excuses out thier.

For me, and this is just my R-9 realizing guns are differant, This gun needs to be clean, ( once a month minimum regardless of shooting habits) with ammo it likes, ( expieriment) and shot very little.

Mantainence: After EVERY shooting session and during cleaning check and tighten as necessary grip screws! Wipe away dust/debre daily, and alternate magazines once a week.

My "pup" is fairly reliable now shooting Winchester SXT LEOs. So, thats what I carry. I dont shoot it often as its more of a carry piece. Reliability is no where near that of a Glock for sure but realisticly this is a weapon designed from its inception to be ultra compact. As such, it has some things that have graced it such as excellent ergonomics, a wonderful trigger pull for D.A.O., and accurate. I dont regret buying the R-9 and will keep it if for nothing else as a curio piece and as for carry, on a hot summer day when DEEP concealment calls, The R-9 will be in my pocket.

I do however think thier are some disparitys that hopefully this forum may help to clear up with Mr. Rohrbaughs input.

These "reconditioned" guns have a mixed review. Two of us for sure, Guiness and myself, have had issues. Guiness has shipped his gun to the brothers twice now and I feel deeply sorry for his woes but its apparent this gun seems to have slipped thru the cracks of quality control at Rohrbaugh.  I can only hope mine and others do not have the same misfortunes and hope mine in particular is not due to me simply avoiding shooting it. Again time will tell.

I have had the pleasure of owning MANY guns. In regard to the Glock .40 cal kabooms I agree it has happend with Glock, and others that do not offer a fully supported chamber. Fortunatly my Glock .40 has never expierianced this so here again, while naysayers and Glock bashers continue, I have expierianced no failures. I do not fault those that do, and wish them well with another pistol. The Glock is not for everyone.

I had a Kel-Tec that was totaly unreliable. Because of qualification rules and duty weapon at the time I had to continue using the Kel-Tec. It was a P-11 9mm that had a .40 cal conversion and .357 Sig barrel. Try as I may the gun NEVER functioned without a jam of some sort. All anyone ever said was Limpwrsiting, use more grease, etc. I joined a Kel-Tec forum and learned some tricks to "tweak" the gun. After these "mods" ( changing followers, and springs) it worked FLAWLESSLY! My hopes for this forum were similar. I have learned a great deal from many of the folks here and although its been an uphill battle getting my R-9 to work, Acomplishments have been made! To that I say THANK-YOU!

I only wish some of the advice were included in the owners manual that came with my R-9.

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Re: Why are there so many reconditioned R9's
« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2006, 01:44:27 PM »
The limpwrist issue? I dont buy that line of crap for a minute. Its an OLD and OVER used excuse often cast when one simply doesn't have an explanation.  
I agree. I don't think this is the reason for most of the malfunctions people are having with the R9. Even Karl admits that some people, even strong, experienced, expert shooters, have inexplicable problems with the R9.

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Re: Why are there so many reconditioned R9's
« Reply #21 on: July 08, 2006, 11:21:51 PM »

True Harry.  In many cases Karl, or someone else in the shop, can take that same R9 and it will work perfectly.
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Re: Why are there so many reconditioned R9's
« Reply #22 on: July 08, 2006, 11:42:37 PM »
How do you explain that? I know I have experienced it
in airplanes where I had a minor problem, tried everything,
called the mechanic and it was as though the problem
never existed; on the other hand, I caught those guys on
a few things also.


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Re: Why are there so many reconditioned R9's
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2010, 11:43:58 AM »
I picked up a pistol this week that had merit to bring this 4 year old post back (maybe  ;D)

I got this from a forum member here and thought it was sorta a neat part of Rohrbaugh history.  Its serial number R168 and would have been an orginal Farmingdale gun with CF grips.  The guy I bought it from picked it up at a discounted rate as being a refurb with a Deer Park slide and G10 grips.  Who knows what / why this gun ended up like this but as the picture shows Rohrbaugh plastered the box with a big sticker to make it clear what he was getting.  He did mention that he was told a lady had previously been the owner.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 02:45:17 PM by ccoorreeyy »

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Re: Why are there so many reconditioned R9's
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2010, 02:32:05 PM »
I like to see some of the old posts resurrected!!!

Yea,most likely they updated the slide due to some problem,and who knows about the grips-the old CFs seem to be mighty popular right now!!

There were reports early on with frames,slides that didn't quite "match up" according to serial #s and slide types..

Mostly due to sending out the frames for anodizing in batches,and then using the slides that they had at the time..

I would buy a "Refurbished" Pup in a heartbeat-for the right price!!
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Re: Why are there so many reconditioned R9's
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2010, 02:43:57 PM »
I would buy a "Refurbished" Pup in a heartbeat-for the right price!!

Brenden my thoughts were the same and it even come with "extras".  I figure i'll put some CF grips on it and enjoy it!

Offline kjtrains

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Re: Why are there so many reconditioned R9's
« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2010, 04:55:02 PM »
Corey.  Nice find.  Yep.  Refurbished for the right price.  Excellent.
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Offline Richard S

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Re: Why are there so many reconditioned R9's
« Reply #27 on: May 06, 2010, 09:22:37 PM »
Now that is a "blast from the past" for sure. Congratulations, Corey! "Refurbished" is good. I've been "refurbished" (read "reassembled") myself several times.  ;)
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Offline Brenden

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Re: Why are there so many reconditioned R9's
« Reply #28 on: May 07, 2010, 12:08:17 AM »
Now that is a "blast from the past" for sure. Congratulations, Corey! "Refurbished" is good. I've been "refurbished" (read "reassembled") myself several times.  ;)

I can also relate to that!!! ;)
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Re: Why are there so many reconditioned R9's
« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2010, 09:46:06 AM »
I can too.  Wonderful, everything works as it should after reassembly.    :)
Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.  Abraham Lincoln