I am not trying to be difficult here Richard but all your statistics come from this forum. I am guessing that there has to be at least "few" more reconditioned than we know about.
Like I tried to explain before, I have never heard of factory reconditioned Glocks, Berettas, Rugers, Brownings, Kimbers, CZ's etc.,etc., etc., etc., unless they were bought from some large department that was changing arms.
The question still stands. How did these guns come to be reconditioned by the factory? Were they sent out to dealers as display pieces? Were they sent to shootng galleries so people could try them out to get the Rohrbaugh name brand out and about? What? Or were these guns returned and the original purchasers provided a refund?
Richard, I am still working on mine and I hope that I find a solution but I have found mine to be unfailingly unreliable so far. My next range trip wil determine whether mine goes back to the factory for tweaking or not. I will contunue to keep all informed of my progress but I would still like an answer to my original question if anyone knows any hard info., I understand that maybe no one on the forum really knows.