Did anyone ever get taken care of by CorBon ... is it too late to just send in the casings from rounds that were unsatisfactory (multiple extractor marks from trying to re-feed) ... or, better to save expending any more effort and just write this off as a bad ammo purchase?
No word yet. Sending cases would be a waste, as I already did that 9 months ago. If that is your way to request compensation, you can only glean the proper methodology by talking directly to Corbon. (My experience is that there IS NO method.) I certainly cannot advise as to the best approach to getting compensated, as I have been wholly and totally ineffectual at getting my own 4 boxes resolved over 9+ months.
For a company who is selling as much product as they can manufacture, you would think they could afford to handle customer service issues...
Cannot understand how hard it could be to ship four stinking boxes of 9 or 40 ammo to shut me the **** up... I run a business, and this scenario would be my worst nightmare. We bust our collective a$$ to respond and act quickly and decisively. Bad press is VERY expensive, four boxes of ammo (at mfr cost) ain't nothing compared to the impact of Google searches for "CORBON ammo" finding comments like:
<search google="allow">
"corbon sucks"
"corbon is unresponsive"
"corbon has horrible customer service"
"corbon does not take care of customers"
"I will never buy corbon ammo again"
"Even remington is better than corbon" (SIC)
"corbon ammo did not work at all in my pistol"
"corbon ammo failed"
"corbon ammunition was plagued with FTE and FTF"
"waiting over 9 months for corbon to help me"
"been ignored by corbon for over 9 months"
"corbon ammo won't feed"
"corbon left us hanging"
"corbon EPIC FAIL"
"corbon is professional and responsible: NOT!"
"I'll shoot ammo molded from dog turds before I use corbon again"
"Rather buy Wolf ammo than corbon"
"send corbon to the Taliban, it won't be a threat"
"bad experience with corbon ammo"
"wouldn't shoot corbon ammo if my life depended on it..."
"corbon doesn't give a $hit."
</search google="allow">