I just picked up my stealth today; the same difficulty with CorBon ammo ... do we have any lot numbers to avoid?
Another eager trip to the range and, another try ...apparently it is not dependent on the lot for the DPX80 HP rounds; I also had the stuff fail to feed in two other weapons as well. It is very embarassing to be at a department range discussing the virtues of both the pistols and the ammunition (which previously had a great rep around LE circles) ... then have major feeding issues arise. It turns these semi-autos into single shot pistols!
At this point, I can not entrust my life to these 4 boxes of questionable ~$2/round cartridges which will not perform as expected. I had intended to qualify with the R9 as a bug ... loaded with CorBons tomorrow; however, it will be better to stick with the SW 60 and Winchester fodder to augment my 1911 - also with Winchester Ranger LE 45ACP as primary.
If I can not find another deputy who will accept my $85 investment in CB ammo tomorrow, I will offer it here for the cost of shipping. Yes, I am disappointed as there does not appear to be manufacturer support (deaf ears, perhaps?) AND certainly I wish that I would have read this thread before expending the cash!