Today I fired 35 rounds through my R9: 14 were WWB; 13 were Hornaday Critical Defense lot no. 3091459 and 8 were CD from another lot number with normal looking primers. 34 fired normally with one misfire from lot no. 3091459. This is the only misfire with any ammo since my gun was returned from the factory with a new slide about 15 months ago.
I did not pull the trigger again on the misfire, waited 30 seconds and manually ejected the unfired round. This was done at Hornady's request. They want to see that unfired round and all fired rounds plus I am sending back a box of lot no. 3091459
Although it is preliminary and anecdotal, I am convinced that "bad" lot no. 3091459 had something like S&B primers instead of Winchester primers. As related from the factory the S&B primers are hard and
flat compared to others. My fired rounds all looked the same as others
posted here: flat and no indentation. The reason I say S&B is that Hornady, on rare occasion, used S&B primers and they confirmed my observations even though they have had very few failure reports of any kind with CD. They load CDs to 32,500 psi, well within standard limits. I firmly believe that the fault lies within the flat, hard primer and that there is no overpressure with this ammo. I will continue to carry CD but with no S&B primers. The visual difference, as noted before, is obvious.