Ok, i'll work on the fort tomorrow.
My kids only have 2 more days of school before summer break and I want to get it done so they can play hard this summer.
Now down to business. I got home from work a little early so I started with the custom II problem again. I took the ported barrel out of my other one and put it in this one. It worked great. When I got back to my bench I compared the two barrels to see whats up.
Well I think I have finally figured it out!
The one I got from HankHill had the feed ramp "polished" and my first custom had no work done to the barrel. It appears that the polishing got a little out of hand and opened up the chamber to much. It's kinda sad, I now figure this barrel is ruined unless I break out the welder.
As best I can tell eithor the back of the case is swelling just enough at the rim when shot that it sticks OR (my guess) that the case can be pushed just far enough to the left that the extractor is slipping off the rim on the right.
Looks like i'm now looking for barrel.
I think I will contact the gunsmith and see what he will do for me. Since he did the work for HankHill and not me I don't know what will happen but I will let you guys know.
The custom II barell is on the left (the one that had the "polished ramp"). The one on the right is from my first custom and works great!