I can shoot a LOT more through my R9S in one session, than I can with my LWS380. I have shot 75 rounds in my R9S at one time, and my hand did not hurt near what it did after 25 rounds through the LWS380.
That said, neither are "range guns", so it's not really an issue. Verify reliability with your intended ammo, and fire a few rounds occasionally to maintain proficiency (and to "exercise" the gun), and either should serve you well.
The main deciding factor between the two for me is the size. The R9S is noticeably larger (and heavier) than the Seecamp. If my pockets allow the carry of the R9S with suitable discretion, it is my choice because it is easier to shoot, more powerful, etc. However, a lot of times the R9S is just a bit too big for my criteria, so the Seecamp gets the nod.
If you're near NW Alabama, you are welcome to shoot either of mine, just provide the ammo.
As a side note, I got the LWS380 because I wanted it, and carry it because it is slightly more powerful IMO than the LWS32. However, if I were doing it over again, I would probably skip the 380 and stick with my longtime LWS32. Ammo is cheaper and easier to find, recoil is a lot less, I feel it places less stress on the package, and the guns themselves are a lot easier to find and MUCH less expensive. I personally have NO reservations of using my LWS32 for my intended categories (LEO backup and occasional off-duty).