Thanks in advance for any time and advice from the experts here.
I am not a new shooter (H&K P30, Para Carry9, S&W 442), but am pretty convinced the R9 is what I want to carry concealed.
I have gotten conflicting info from my 2 local dealers, and would really appreciate the perspective of this forum before I make my purchase (hopefully this weekend).
First, one dealer says do NOT clean and lube, it's fine right from the factory; the other dealers says MUST clean and lube it right away before firing at all.
Second, if I should clean and lube, what is the best recommended cleaning agent and lube for this gun?
On the issue of recoil, one dealer is trying to steer me away from the R9 because he says the recoil is horrible, and that after putting a mag through it I will be very hesitant to use it or want to carry it (although I believe that in a life and death situation recoil will be the last thing on my mind)... I would like to know if anyone can share any insight on relative recoil of the R9 as compared say to the S&W 442, or H&K P30...
Last, I fully understand why not to use +P rounds, and my favorite self defense round (and I range shoot what I carry) is the Speer Gold Dot. Does anyone have any reason why this would NOT be an ideal round (in non +P) for my R9?
Again, thank you all so much for your time and help.