Author Topic: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc.  (Read 16012 times)

Offline hoobens

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Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc.
« on: September 04, 2009, 12:19:15 PM »
    I am new to this forum. I've three questions for discussion:

- Does Rohrbaugh make a MA compliant model?
- How many guns do they make a year ( they don't report to atf, I believe )?
- and, How does the R-9 compare to a Seecamp .32 ( which by the way is MA compliant )?
 Many Thanks,
Bill H.

Offline yankee2500

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2009, 02:03:43 PM »
 Bill, welcome to the forum. I do not know anything about MA
other than they are a gun unfriendly stste, and I'm glad I don't live in a gun unfriendly state any more.
 (I moved from NY :( to NC ;D) I don't think I have ever read how many guns are produced per year by Rohrbaugh, one of the other members who has more knowledge of the company may have the answer.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 02:05:08 PM by yankee2500 »

"Cha togar m' fhearg gun dìoladh"

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."
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Offline kjtrains

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2009, 02:39:15 PM »
Welcome to the forum, Bill.  I don't know the answers to your questions, but am sure there are folks here that can.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 04:26:48 PM by kjtrains »
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Offline Richard S

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2009, 03:32:30 PM »

First of all, welcome to the Forum.

As for a comparison of the Seecamp LWS32 and the Rohrbaugh R9, each one is at the top of its caliber but the two calibers are vastly different in capability. Treatises have been written on the subject, but here is a quick summary which may be of interest:

[size=10].32 Automatic Colt Pistol (ACP) - AKA 7.65mm Browning
Initially introduced in europe in 1899, this semi-rimmed centerfire cartridge came to the United States in 1903 when Colt introduced its "Pocket Model" semiautomatic pistol. Also referred to as the .32 Auto, the .32 ACP was introduced with a 71 grain full metal jacket bullet at a muzzle velocity of slightly over 900 fps with around 130 foot pounds of muzzle energy. Like the .25 ACP, the .32 ACP is considered by many as too weak to be an effective self-defense round. But it has been an extremely popular caliber, notably by the fact that practically all minor and major manufacturers of autoloading handguns in the world have built millions of small pocket autoloaders in .32 ACP.

9mm Parabellum - AKA 9mm Luger, 9mm NATO
This cartridge was introduced in 1902 along with the Luger semi-automatic pistol. The pistol and cartridge was first adopted by the German Navy in 1904 and then by the German Army in 1908. This cartridge has since been adopted by the military of practically every non-Communist power. It has become the most popular and widely-used handgun cartridge in the world. Performance wise, the 9mm cartridge has somewhat more power than the .38 Special but falls well short of the .357 Magnum. A typical 115 grain bullet will have an average muzzle velocity of 1200 fps and a muzzle energy around 350 ft-lbs.[/size]

With regard to the operation and comparative size and weight of the two pistols:

Seecamp LWS32 .32 ACP
Operation: DAO
Capacity: 6 +1
Overall Length: 4.25”
Height: 3.25”
Width: 0.86”
Weight Empty: 11.5 oz.
Weight Fully Loaded 13 oz.

Rohrbaugh 9mm (9 x 19 mm)
Operation: DAO
Capacity: 6 +1
Overall Length: 5.2”
Height: 3.7”
Width: 0.91”
Weight Empty: 14.3 oz.
Weight Fully Loaded 17 oz.

Chart comparison of pocket pistols:

I do not know how many pistols Rohrbaugh produces each year -- only that demand seems to exceed supply.

With regard to the R9 in Massachusetts, I would call the company. I do not see the R9 listed on the latest published roster of firearms approved by that state:
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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2009, 04:51:27 PM »
Welcome Hoobens!

Richard just about summed it up.

But if I may add, in my opinion, the Rohrbaugh made the Seecamp obsolete.  And I own a 25, and 32 Seecamp.  I see no need for a 380 now.
An exception of course would be if you knew you were walking into a "deep cover" situation and needed something smaller.
Or - if you are a collector/gun addict and must have more fine firearms.

Good Luck in your Quest


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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2009, 08:08:52 PM »

Welcome to the forum. Yankee's story is not unlike my own. I lived in a gun unfriendly state and now live in a gun friendly state; the only state in the country that does not require a CCW. It is the right of all citizens, providing they are not felons and pass the NICS check, to legally carry.

Hint: My state borders Massachusetts. Don't have an answer for you. I NEVER go to Mass or NY; the statutory dungheaps of the Second Amendment.
Those who turn their guns into plowshares end up plowing for those that do not - Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2009, 10:50:09 PM »
Just curious why so many think of NY the same way ACP does. I've lived in NY my entire life. I have bought all of the handguns I've ever wanted and have been carrying concealed anywhere I've wanted since 1976. MY R9s never leaves my pocket.

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2009, 11:25:12 PM »
Glad to hear you are a happy carry camper. I have the impression that the rules vary considerably in N.Y. depending on the county; and then the boroughs of NYC are a different animal with very limited carry privileges.

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2009, 08:23:19 PM »
That's true, Tracker. I tend to think of NYC as a different state. They are very restrictive. But where I live in upstate NY, firearms are very common and no problem what-so-ever. I'd hate for everyone to equate the entire state with NYC.

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2009, 09:18:26 PM »
Thanks for clarifying the N.Y. perception. I lived in CT. for 15 yrs. and worked in NYC for three and JFK the rest of the time. Both of my children work in NYC but guns are not part of their lives. I didn't even own a gun until moving back to Texas.

I had a feeling that the shooter on the L.I.R.R. with the Glock tipped the balance forever against guns in NYC and the boroughs.

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2009, 09:55:34 PM »
If you are a Certified Pistol Instructor with 25 years of experience in NJ and move to NYS you cannot even APPLY for a handgun permit until after you have lived there for one year. Then, you must have 5 NYS witnesses who will testify to your character who have known you for 5 years!!! Do the math.

If you are a native of NYS, different story. Me? I quit NYS after 9 months and moved to Vermont. I stand by what I said as to NYS; albeit the fact that the nightmare is restricted to idiots like me who thought they were moving to an Adirondak gun paradise, only to find that I had ended up in hell.

Don't get me wrong. NJ sucks too, but I thought I was leaving all that behind me when I moved to NYS; the stupidest move of my life.
Those who turn their guns into plowshares end up plowing for those that do not - Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2009, 10:19:43 PM »
Why didn't you check into the N.Y. laws before you moved there? We all make mistakes and years ago I wouldn't have even thought of checking on these things but I would now. On the other hand i don't have any urgent plans to move to the N.E., regardless of the state laws.

Offline Richard S

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2009, 10:57:44 PM »
I worked in various countries of West Africa for four years in the 1990s. To paraphrase John Connor, who said it well in one of his American Hangunner columns, there are three types of countries in West Africa: (1) those in which you are apt to be shot if you are found to be carrying a weapon; (2) those in which you are apt to be shot if you are found NOT to be carrying a weapon; and (3) those in which both (1) and (2) apply. As a result, the only sure thing is that the only parties who will have weapons there are: (1) the "authorities"; (2) the "thugs" [the members of groups (1) and (2) being often commingled]; and (3) those who would prefer to abide by local law but who elect to go armed with extreme discretion and at their own great peril.

It is my profound hope that our Second Amendment will be preserved so as to prevent such "confusion" from evolving in our own beloved country. In that regard, and in my seventh decade of life, I pray that those of the generation now coming to power in our system of government will not be so consumed with the trivial comforts of modern-day existence as to forget how fragile and easily lost are the foundations upon which our civil liberties have been forged and maintained at so great a cost for so many who have gone before.  
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 11:03:09 PM by Richard_S »
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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2009, 11:15:49 PM »
Patrick Henry couldn't have said it more eloquently. I think he was from Virginia, wasn't he?

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2009, 09:32:50 AM »
If there were a couple more guns on the LIRR that day a massacre would not have happened.  I'm not saying it would have been a good day for anyone but there would have been less carnage. Instead it was one nut slaughtering sheep.  We can thank our genius politicians and the sheeple that put them there for our inability to defend ourselves.