Author Topic: R9 for Cycling?  (Read 4348 times)

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R9 for Cycling?
« on: August 10, 2009, 03:12:41 PM »
Hi there! I'm in TX and waiting on my CHL. I live in Austin and bicycle a lot. Looking at options seems to lead me to believe an R-9 would be a pretty good pistol for jersey pocket carry.

Being SS and Al, I'm thinking it should be fairly sweat resistant, but will still probably need wipe down and cleaning every week or two.  I plan on carrying it in a wallet type holster, but I could also baggy the gun and holster too.

Does anybody have experience with an R-9 under athletic conditions that can share their experience?

Offline hk_mtbr

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Re: R9 for Cycling?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2009, 03:30:26 PM »
Good question.

For what its worth I plan on carrying mine while cycling too. I typically wear a camelback and while it isn't the fastest way to get your gun into action it does offer lots of protection.

For road riding I will probably figure a way to jersey pocket carry. I've been thinking about some velcro type closure sewn on the jersey pocket.

I'll still keep it in a small "holster" of some sort. In Ohio it is against the law to pocket carry without a they didn't expect pockets to include cycling jersey pockets... ;D

I think it is a great idea to carry while riding, many times we are miles from "nowhere" and you are pretty much on your own for everything including protection.

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Re: R9 for Cycling?
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2009, 04:14:07 PM »
I've carried mine through all kinds of climates and conditions for over five years. Cleaning it after every range session, wiping it down with a silicone cloth at night, and regular use of high quality wax and oil (Renaissance Wax and Ballistol Sportsman's Oil are my choices) have kept it looking like new.

Good luck to both of you with your new materpieces!
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Re: R9 for Cycling?
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2009, 01:02:30 PM »
I know of a jogger who carried the R9 in the small of her back each time she went running. Given its size, it was ideal and she was always saw to maintenance of the gun after she ran and head built up a sweat.

That was a couple of years ago, and I haven't spoken to her since then, but it is a real life case that the bikers may wish to consider.
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Re: R9 for Cycling?
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2009, 10:31:31 AM »
I carry in a Nemesis in a cargo pocket that protects it pretty well.  That is the lightest holster I have found but does not protect the whole back of the gun from contact with the pants against my sweaty leg.  It gets sweaty and rained on when I am outside, as I ride 4 wheelers a lot.  Nothing seems to bother it.  Every coupla  weeks, i wipe it down and blow out the lint, and every 6-8 I clean it a bit.  Seems impervious to lint, sweat, rain, and dirt.  Have carried for about a year and it looks like new.  I have 100% confidence in its ruggedness.
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Re: R9 for Cycling?
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2009, 11:53:31 AM »
Nice to see some cyclists on here.  I ride too.  I don't tend to carry my R-9 on the bike, but I see no reason not to.  For hot, sweaty work I tend to use my lesser guns.  ;)

I never though about a jersey pocket -- mine dont have closures and I have occasionally had something bounce out of one.  Another idea is something like a Bento box on the top tube -- but more secure than that.  I know I have seen some out there but I don't recall where.
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