I've heard that over and over but I just don't get it. Everytime over the past couple years that I have searched for it I have been able to find CF for sale all over the internet. It might not have been at the same price or from the same place that they had been getting it BUT it seems that from my googling the availability was there. I use carbon fiber surveying poles in my business and i've had no trouble finding them. I could be wrong.
I've been an engineer in aerospace my entire career.
There are entire carbon fiber fuselages being built today.
I talked to a CF buyer at work recently and asked him about the availability of CF.
He said they are not having any difficulty in finding CF.
In fact, most aerospace sell CF scraps to dealers on line.
I'm confident I could locate a source for Rohrbaugh pretty quick
It's my guess that their reason for not building guns with, or selling CF grips is to preserve the "collectibility" value for their customers.
People who own R9's with CF grips certainly don't want original CF grips to become readily available and lessen the value of their collectible gun.