Since this thread has basicly turned into a free-for-all where everybody is speaking what's on their mind
let me add my $0.02 worth in as well
I purchased the MK9 (
same as a PM9 except it has a steel frame) when it first came out. It was going to be my "always" gun. I wanted to like it. I tried to like it but I just couldn't. It didn't have a hammer. It was internally striker fired. And, it had no safety.
I had no clue as to what was going on in there. That's not entirely correct. I've seen the animated diagrams on how the gun functions internally. I even downloaded the animated GIF file. However, I still felt uneasy about carrying one in the pipe. Instead, more and more I found myself carrying it with an empty chamber which was not a good move tactically because when you really need a gun those few seconds that it takes to rack the slide could change the outcome of things.
As a result, the MK9 was spending more & more time in the dafe and I found myself carrying a J-frame instead. True, it also didn't have a safety but it did have a hammer that I could see rising & falling.
Eventually, I ended up selling the MK9.
I recently became the proud owner of a R9S. This gun is everything that I originally wanted the MK9 to be and more. Actually, less but in this case less is more
I am VERY happy with my R9S. In addition to being smaller & lighter than the Kahr, it also has a repeat striker capability which is lacking on the Kahrs.
A lot of people overlook this very important feature which is present on the Rohrbaugh but missing on the Kahrs. More likely than not, these guns will be used up-close and personal. If the gun should misfire, on the Rohrbaughs, all you have to do is pull the trigger again to drop the hammer a second time on the primer. According to Masaad, three-fifths of the time a second strike will set off most rounds.
Three-fifths ... that's better than fifty-fifty. With the Rohrbaugh I have a better than 50-50 chance of the round firing when I pull the trigger again. With the Kahrs, the striker has to be reset and if you're struggling with somebody, you are unlikely going to be able to get both hands free long enough to accomplish that task.