Finally got my brand new Stealth in and went to the range on Sunday. Put about 30 rounds of Hornady's new 115gr critical defense ammo through it. All fed fine with no problems at all. I must admit, the trigger pull is longer than I expected, so it takes some getting used to. I noticed the feed ramp on mine has been carefully polished, but I expect that's the way they all are made. Anyway, I'm not really interested in trying all kinds of ammo as I like the ballistics of this round with its intended purpose being to assure proper expansion even if the target is wearing heavy winter clothing. The gun does kick, but not enough to make me care. It's actually not that much harsher than my Glock 19.
Love the size, weight, look, concealability, forget-your-carrying-ability of the Stealth.
Yes, others came by to see what I had in my hand at the range -- no-one there had ever even heard of a Rohrbaugh.
Anyway, I'm not sure if everyone will have the same results, but my Rohrbaugh seems to very much like the Hornady Critical Defense rounds -- my search is over. I'll carry it everyday.