It has occurred to me that I first shot my then newly acquired R9 No. 132 on May 19, 2004 -- which will be five years ago tomorrow. I went back into my archived computer files and found this report of my first range session with the R9:
[size=10]I finally got to the range this afternoon to test fire my new R9. Two friends went with me, one a Deputy Sheriff and the other a retired firearms instructor for the Police Department. It was a great session with a lot of brass collected on the tarp.
Shooting from 7 and 10 yards using a Regional Law Enforcement Academy silhouette target, I ran 54 rounds through the R9 before my right hand began to complain. I started out using Winchester 115 Gr. Target/Range FMJ ammunition and then switched over to Remington 147 Gr. Golden Saber BJHP. The felt recoil of this little cannon with both loads was impressive, but seemed to be noticeably more so with the Golden Sabers.
The first two rounds were errant and wound up on opposite sides of the target in the "2" zone -- "Anticipation of recoil," my instructor friend chided. After that, I settled down and managed to keep the next 52 in the "5" zone (center mass). The trick is just to relax and then point and shoot the little beast, keeping both eyes open and concentrating on the front sight. The trigger pull, which I originally estimated at about 8 pounds, seemed more like 10 toward the end -- due, no doubt, to hand fatigue.
After I had worn out my right hand, the instructor tried the R9 -- all six shots grouped nicely in the "5" zone, of course. When he turned around and handed the empty pistol back to me, his words were: "That's a nice shooting gun." [/size]
After five years, No. 132 has become my constant companion and is still one "nice shooting gun."
Life is good!