If an intruder enters your household do you blind them with the finish on your 1911 as a warning shot or do you just shoot them?
Clark Custom Guns and Accurate Plating & Weaponry did give her a little "bling" factor, didn't they?
Actually, in the unfortunate event that an intruder enters my house, my routine will be much like that which "clarman" describes. As for the "blinding" part, I expect to rely on 225 lumens from a SureFire M3 CombatLight do that job as well as identify the threat and then let the LaserMax red dot find its spot. After that . . . well . . . whatever is required under the circumstances.
Over the years, I've had two attempted nighttime home invasions, both of which -- fortunately -- I was able to detect and stop with only a show of force before the perps even got inside. (That type of resolution certainly does cut down on the amount of after-action paperwork.