Hello All,
This is my first time post. I am Coalman's girlfriend. I have wanted the rohrbaugh for well over a year, and last month he bought me the R9 stealth, although I really wanted the original two-tone, but we decided after nearly weekly trips to the local gun shops we would have to settle for what they had. Then when the local gun shop called and said they had new rohraughs in stock. We rushed right over and he bought me the two-tone, (All my guns are two-toned except my J-frame) and he said he would keep the used R9 stealth. I offered to go in on buying him the elite. Then we would have one of each. He is concerned about the poor quality engraving on the 2 elites in the store, but I think we should get them while they are available. Plus I would like to repay the generosity. What do you think?