It would appear that, in this company, I am a "lonely voice in the wilderness" touting the virtues of Remington Golden Saber BJHB ammunition. (I have never used the UMC and do not intend even to try it.) All I can say is that my "pup," as well as my P7, seem to thrive on a Golden Saber diet. I am, however, no "missionary" on this subject. I think new owners of the R9 should experiment by running various types of
quality standard-pressure ammunition through their "pocet rockets" and then decide which brand works best for them. The operative word there is "quality." I would stay away from most of the so-called bargain brands --other than WWB, of course, which has proven to be a reliable FMJ ball load for the R9.
Further, deponent sayeth not.
[size=10][Edited to correct typographical error.][/size]