Author Topic: SOLD... Early R9s for sale $1,000 w/extras  (Read 37870 times)

Offline Mr_Jody_Hudson

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SOLD... Early R9s for sale $1,000 w/extras
« on: January 21, 2005, 12:37:22 PM »
I am honored to have met Eric and to have been presented my early R9s by him!

Sadly, two things are moving me to sell it.  I am personally uncomfortable with the 7 rounds for carry and I've had a long several months of severe back pain, in bed, cutting into my income drastically, and leaving me backdated on several important bills.

My R9s is #133 with the blue grips and pearlish gray frame.  It has about 3,300 or perhaps 3,500 rounds through it I guess after going back and trying to figure all the different ammo, looking at a bunch of old targets, etc.  and about 100 or 200 since I sent it back to Rohrbaugh to have it fully gone over and checked out.  

As the Rohrbaugh Brothers are always above and beyond the call of duty they did amazing things and made the trigger even better than it was before!!!!!!!!! It is beyond belief smooth and buttery.  It works perfectly with a very firm grip for me and is very accurate too of course.  It seems much more accurate since it came back from the factory!  It likes WWB 115 gr fmj and Speer 124 gr GDHP the best.  I think I recall that the Speer is the most accurate but the WWB is excellent as well.

It has new springs and new pin installed.  It comes with three magazines, extra springs, and extra pin, and extra grip screws, box, papers, etc.

REDUCED to $950 to your FFL Dealer or face to face in southern Delaware.  A price I arrived at after speaking with Eric at length today.  Not that Eric advised this price but realizing that this is a MOST collectable Rohrbaugh and that the price will soon be $945 to the dealer for the new ones, as I understand it - or more at retail price at dealers.  

I hope someone will enjoy having one of the first of this most fine pistol with it's unique color and inscription.  And it is somewhat broken in, fully checked out and updated by the Rohrbaugs and working perfectly in all ways.

I am reluctant to let my pup go, but I must!  And most of my other guns must go as well.

Edited to reduce price to $950  :'(
« Last Edit: April 04, 2005, 06:17:33 AM by Mr_Jody_Hudson »
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Re: Early R9s for sale
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2005, 02:04:07 PM »
Say it aint so, Jody!   :-[

Duane (DDGator)
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Re: Early R9s for sale
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2005, 03:12:31 PM »
Jody, I've been impressed with what a fine gentleman you are, both from your posts on this forum and on other forums, and I hope your health problems come to an end soon.

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Re: Early R9s for sale
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2005, 06:03:05 PM »
Jody my friend ... now I know why I haven't ''seen'' you for so long - I really had been wondering a lot.

This bad news. :(  As a fellow back sufferer you have my utmost sympathy.  IIRC we ''talked backs'' a bit over dinner last year!!!

Sad you should have to consider sale of your pup - seeing as you were - with me in part - amongst the early takers of this lil' gem.  I hope someone will snap up your R9 - and give it a good home.

Do stay in touch ya hear!!! Take care.
Chris - R9S
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Re: Early R9s for sale
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2005, 08:43:45 PM »

"It is possible that I have shot a bit over 3,000 rounds through my R9s (Sorry Eric... I know you told me to carry a lot shoot a little!!!).  I did have a few ammo situations in the first several hundred rounds but I now KNOW that I was running my baby too dry."

Is this the gun your selling.

Offline Mr_Jody_Hudson

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Re: Early R9s for sale
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2005, 04:39:50 AM »
Yes, I have gone back and looked over my sketchy records (these are records and empty cans of Speer Ammo and other ammo that I bought for the Rohrbaugh) and recollections.  I'm guessing that It is more likely a total of about 3,300 to 3,500 rounds total.  Actually Eric is a better judge and more reliable as to how much it has been shot and it's condition, etc. as he has seen it very recently and I've shot it very little since I got it back.  

I suspect that the Rohrbaugh is good for very many tens of thousands of rounds with a frequent change of springs.  However, again, Eric is a better judge of that as his and his brother's guns have had a lot of shooting done with them.

However, in a final analysis, my memory is bad and I've certainly lost track... For anyone wondering about the "wear" on the Rohrbaugh, Eric is the judge.  Certainly I've shot it a lot, much more than most other Rohrbaugh owners I suspect.  And it is a FINE pistol.

Sorry for the confusion on my number of rounds shot.  I have a horrid memory and I hate it.  Sorry folks.

Edited to change number of rounds shot above.

Edited to reduce price to $1,000 with extra magazine, pins, screws. This should be very collectable as one of the few early ones this color and with the first inscriptions.  

I don't see how the number of rounds fired in this should affect the price... even for a collectable - am I correct or not?

What do you think????  
« Last Edit: March 18, 2005, 06:30:35 PM by Mr_Jody_Hudson »
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Offline Mr_Jody_Hudson

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Re: Early R9s for sale Reduced to $950 w/extras
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2005, 03:39:37 PM »
Yesterday I took my baby to one of my local dealers for his help in selling my R9s.  He will market it on GunsAmerica, GunBroker, etc.  

He does not charge me the regular dealer percentage to sell.  If anyone who is interested from this site, I can just have him send it to your FFL holder.  

I'm surprised this has not sold yet.  Extra maintenance parts, extra (3rd) magazine and a full check-up from Eric and Carl Rohrbaugh as well.  

Note the price $1,000 now.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2005, 06:32:02 PM by Mr_Jody_Hudson »
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Offline sharp

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Re: Early R9s for sale Reduced to $950 w/extras
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2005, 12:53:45 PM »
Mr. Hudson,
I mean no disrespect, but IMO you're asking too much $ for a used weapon with at least 3000 rounds through it when a new one can be had for as much.  I know you're calling it a collectable, but I don't see how one can judge it a collectable item so soon in the weapon's short history(some day, maybe).  I'm certainly not a "collector" so I'll probably be proven wrong :D but I would think that a $850 price tag would be more reasonable and I'll bet someone would take it off your hands.  I offer you my sincere hope of your getting through your hard times and that perhaps one day again will be able to add a R9 to your collection.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2005, 06:01:58 PM by sharp »

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Re: Early R9s for sale Reduced to $950 w/extras
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2005, 04:55:22 PM »
Offer sent via PM...
I'm not a gun expert -- but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night...

Offline Mr_Jody_Hudson

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Re: Early R9s for sale Reduced to $950 w/extras
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2005, 09:59:34 PM »
Folks, I do not feel that the Rohrbaugh has been hurt by so little shooting.  Even a $200 Keltec is not hurt in value by so little shooting.  Perhaps the Angel of Rohrbaughs is keeping it in my hands!  The Rohrbaugh is one of the finest pistols ever made and it seems astounding to me that folks may think such a small number of rounds fired has harmed the little pup.  Especially since she has been back to brothers Rohrbaugh for a full going over and appropriate blessings and such with almost no rounds fired in her since.

Do you folks really think that such a marvel of engineering, metalurgy and precision is hurt by a few boxes of ammo?  I don't think so myself.  

The extra recoil springs and magazine as well as the unique color, early number, etc. seem to me to make my price fair or a bit more.

Thanks for the communications however gentlemen!  

I guess the little pup is waiting a new Master, not thus far visible!   ;D  The Rohrbaugh is the Bell of the Ball of small defense pistols.  She deserves a special name on her dance card!  Her Prince will come!   ;D
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Offline Jeff_OTMG

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Re: Early R9s for sale Reduced to $950 w/extras
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2005, 02:05:42 PM »
Jody, do you realize that your pistol is one of only 46 guns made like that?  I have one as well and wouldn't think of selling it.  I even ordered a new one so I can put mine away.  Keep that gun if you possibly can.  Don't you have a child or dog that you can sell? ;)

Offline R9SCarry

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Re: Early R9s for sale Reduced to $950 w/extras
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2005, 06:28:15 PM »
Only 46 Jeff??  Well I know the S/N's of course don't give that much of a clue.  My #1 must thusly be one of 46 too ... seeing as it was same time about, as Jody got his.

It has the ''s'' after R9 ... silver frame, blue grips etc ... anyways that is now a safe queen, and my #2 is carry - feel much easier now - tho #1 did do sterling work thru my ammo test programs. :)
Chris - R9S
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Offline Mr_Jody_Hudson

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Re: Early R9s for sale Reduced to $950 w/extras
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2005, 07:48:07 PM »
Hi Jeff,

Yes, she is a rare bird.  Already sold the dogs and kids!  :)
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Offline Jeff_OTMG

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Re: Early R9s for sale Reduced to $950 w/extras
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2005, 11:54:12 PM »
I think all of the original 46 guns had the silver slide, blue grips, but the anodized frame with the purple tint, although I prefer 'plum' as it sounds more foo-foo and like it was actually suppose to be that color.  They also all had a simple 3 digit serial number with no prefix or suffix.  If yours is one of the original frames with silver anodizing you may have one of only a couple like it out of the 46 original guns, maybe the only one.

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Re: Early R9s for sale Reduced to $950 w/extras
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2005, 12:24:40 AM »
Jeff, thought it was maybe more than two - but anyways .. I have the silver anodized and a three figure S/N - no prefix... oh and the ''s'' suffix (after R9) as it has sights.  Had thought too Jody's was same.  Anyways, my #1 is certainly special.

BTW Jeff, what was Bob's original one and yours?  Obviously two very early models.

BTW, I know Eric had hoped to call on Bob after SHOT Show but schedule just too tight.  He gave me an update a while ago but - wondering how they are now.  I was aware they had almost exhausted savings etc ... and it all sounded like a great deal of love and very little funds.
Chris - R9S
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