After deciding on an R9s, I've been lurking here for a bit to pick some added info on the pistol.
I received the the little pistol last week and decided to join up.
I took it to the range with a test sample of possible carry ammunition that included:
Speer GD's in 115 and 124 grain
Fiocchi 115 gr Extrema with the Hornady XTP bullet
Federal Tactical Bonded 124 gr.
All the test ammo cycled and shot flawlessly. Not one hitch in the bunch unless you count one failure to load a first round where I'm sure that I rode the slide down.
The two 115 gr rounds seem to shoot a bit low at 7 yds, but may well have been me starting with those and getting used to such a small weapon (my normal carry is a Sig 239 in 357S).
The 124 gr rounds were all right on, but the Fed Tactical bonded showed noticeable keyholing at 7 yds, which disappeared at 15 yds
. It's possible that this round, which seemed hotter than the Speer, might be overstabilizing a bit and yawing before it slows down at the longer range.
Based on this quick test and some info from a couple of wound ballistics sources, I've decided that I'll carry the 124 grain GDs. I think that the Fiocchi load might be a good one, but I can't find any ballistics info on the lighter Hornady XTP bullet.
Overall I'm happy with the purchase, other than a couple minor improvements that I might have made were I the designer. (The biggest of those would be to add just a hair more metal to the front and back straps of the grip so that those could be checkered or serrated for a better grip).
Perhaps because I'm accustomed to larger calibers, I didn't find the recoil to be a big deal except that it was a bit difficult to keep the little bugger seated in my hand under the muzzle flip of the 124 grain loads (see above).
Because I have very long fingers the trigger breaks behind my trigger finger knuckle making everything pull a bit right (I'm left-handed). That, however, is something I'm quite used to with all but big frame pistols, so I'll just have to make an adjustment.
Minor quibbles to an otherwise fine weapon.
I've got an order in with holstermaker Rusty Sherrick for an OWB (his US Highride with a couple mods). Meanwhile, at the shooting range I found that the cheap Uncle Mikes pocket holster ($12.95 here in Houston) for the Seecamp 32 fit pretty well. It covers the trigger but not the complete trigger guard.