Curious about the Glock 34 as I was about the 17L. Some use
them for carry and some for competition. Could you expain any
differences between the two models, Mrs. Fos, and which
purpose your husband bought the 34, competition or self
If you get a chance to shoot one, you'll probably like it! He has a G19 for every day carry. From what I understand the G17 has a more standard size frame (and I
think the mags may have a greater capacity). The G19 is the compact version, but it's still big (in my opinion).
The G34 he got for competition. It has a longer barrel, extended mag release. It isn't exactly ported, but the end of the slide is cut out to reduce some of the weight. Even though it's longer, it's so well balanced I didn't notice any additional weight. Recoil is minimal. This one has night sights, so it was also easy to get the sight picture.
You know the difference between men and women (sigh). I think the G19 is a perfectly good gun. He's VERY accurate with it and has been using it for IDPA; but he's convinced the G34 will shave a few seconds off... so he went looking and found a good deal for it on gunbroker.
I can't say much considering he could have bought 2 Glocks for what I paid for my ONE R9!! (He didn't mention that part either!).
We both got new guns yesterday!! And we both had fun on the range today!!