I am sure that as always, people post their frustrations more readily than their positive experiences. This pistol seems to have what I can only describe as a cult like following based on what I have read on this forum. It does appear however, more problems may be present with this firearm than others. Of course, others have the luxury of size and not being a new ground breaking design. I am a firm believer in technology, but there is a point of diminishing return. I am hoping I can trust mine and my families life on this firearm. It is my intention to carry this weapon as my primary ccw gun. I currently carry my Sig P232 and it has performed like a champ gobbling up every single round with no complaints and is a trusted friend. I do have concerns about the caliber and was looking for something both smaller and deadlier. I found the Rohrbaugh by accident and snapped one up. I am not at all trying to say that the Rohrbaugh is nothing less than excellent, I am just trying to gauge it against more established and conventional designs. I am trully excited at being an owner, just curious if I will trust it as much as my other firearms. I also carry a Glock 36 and would trust it any day of the week. Both of these firearms are tried and tested, with numerous police agencies permitting use of off duty police officers. Of interest is that these firearms, even the Sig, is available at less than 1/2 the price. So I am just curious as to comparisons between other subcompact, ableit, not true pocket pistols. Again, I would have not bought one if the basic package was not intriguing. I realize the R9 is smaller, and that is why I bought it. I want to carry something that is trully small and deadly, and reliable. I can spend what I want, so price is no real consideration, just a side note. I guess what I am wondering, is just how reliable is this firearm. Range report after range report indicates FTE, FTF much more often than I would find acceptable with any of my current collection. I do realize that the R9 is smaller, I just hope it is not so finiky as to regulate it to safe duty and me going back to my tried and true G36/P232 for carry duty. I thank you all for your input to a newby future R9S Elite owner, mp.