My wife picked up her new R9S yesterday and today we were able to hit the range for a few hours and have a blast, so to speak!!.
Wow what a gun, after shooting 50~ rounds we will need to both get shooting gloves., or shoot less rounds. I wanted to be sure it would feed both range ammo and HD ammo, I tried to different types of Fedral, ammo. I really like the EFMJ ammo but the gun also likes standard HD FMJ was well.
We did have two rounds that did not fire, the dent on the primer was very light? but after we loaded them in a new mag they did fire, other that than it was GREAT!!
What a great gun, my wife will now carry it has her primary carry gun in the park, shopping, running errands, etc. I bought her a Uncle Mike's in the pocket holster today and that should work fine for now.
Thanks to Rohrbaugh!!