Author Topic: Possible new ammo for the R9 - Winchester SXZ  (Read 14800 times)

Offline capt.koolaid

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Re: Possible new ammo for the R9 - Winchester SXZ
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2008, 12:15:52 AM »
Well I guess im ready for the retirement home then cuz my carry guns a .....revolver :o I love my .44 special snubbie. But I should be dragged kicking an screaming in to more modern times with a 1911 I guess....NAH :P My R-9s about the only 9mm Id carry and thats strictly a pocket gun for warm weather/deep concealment. It likes the 147 grain SXTs so thats what I feed it. Since it seems to keyhole i dont mind a longer bullet to tumble more. Id guess Fly an Scubas +P+ 9mm screaming out of an H&K Polygonal barrels a formidable foe to be sure, But my opinion of the 9mmX19 leads me to believe if those extremes are needed why not go with a .38 super or .357 Sig? Oh well, Guess Im just a big bore kinda guy. BUT for pocket carry, I love my 9mm R-9!

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Re: Possible new ammo for the R9 - Winchester SXZ
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2008, 12:25:00 AM »
I like a .44 Special, too; a very sweet shooter. What I really
love to shoot is an 1873 44-40.

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Re: Possible new ammo for the R9 - Winchester SXZ
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2008, 12:33:33 AM »
I agree with the sentiments.  F&S's opinions are hardly antiquated, and his input is always welcome here.

If you wouldn't say it to a guest in your home over dinner, no need to say it here.  Enough said.
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Re: Possible new ammo for the R9 - Winchester SXZ
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2008, 11:10:14 AM »
Interesting trivia...  If you're packing a 1911 (I don't currently own one) and someone exclaim's that you are "old school" whilst they have 9mm chambered firearm on their belt -- smile and remind them that the 9mm (9x19) cartridge was introduced in 1902 -- while the .45 ACP didn't come on the scene until much later -- in 1905... ;D

Capt.koolaid -- if I could have an HK P7-series pistol chambered in .357 Sig I would be a very happy man.  Rest assured, that I'd buy one as soon as I could.  At one time, I contemplated altering an "extra" P7M13 I had in inventory to a .357 Sig by having the chamber reamed out for the bottle-neck cartridge.  At the same time,  altering the chamber face to accept the .40 S&W case head like exists on the P7M10 slide.  It would have taken quite a bit of work -- that I couldn't personally make happen due to the lack of the necessary tooling (not to mention, lack of skill).  Also, it would mean cannabalizing a $1900 P7M13 with no guarantee of success....something I just couldn't bring myself to do.

But, the creation of a 10+1 capacity HK P7-series pistol with a "normal"-sized slide chambered in .357 Sig would have been a perfect pistol for me.

(I still have that P7M13 sitting in the safe -- if any readers know of a gunsmith willing to take on the task...)
I'm not a gun expert -- but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night...

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Re: Possible new ammo for the R9 - Winchester SXZ
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2008, 11:23:18 AM »
All the great pistol combat shooters use a 1911, just go to a match. Tom
Tom Watson, DVC , Quis Separabit ,  Who dares wins, Utrinque Paratus

Offline riffraff

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Re: Possible new ammo for the R9 - Winchester SXZ
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2008, 12:04:50 PM »

Ok, you guys have hurt my feelings.

I apologize for my bluntness, although I think you know by now that is just me.

Yes, I would say that same thing to a guest at my home for dinner.  The thing is when one is face to face and can hear tonal inflections, see facial expressions and body postures, everything usually takes on a whole different meaning.

I had very little training in the Art of the written word.  I will probably spend the rest of my life trying to master it.

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Offline capt.koolaid

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Re: Possible new ammo for the R9 - Winchester SXZ
« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2008, 06:26:25 PM »
riff: I didnt mean to hurt your feelings! Im old so i guess im old school by default ;) sure fire way to tic people off is  talk politics, religion, or the "1911"! I enjoy your posts :D

Fly: The only H&K I own is an old (go figure) VP70. Being a "wheel wolf" who stopped playing with plastic guns when I was 12 I know its out of my character but I cant seem to get rid of it cuz I LOVE IT! hands down the most reliable semiauto Ive owned! Anyway Im not up on H&Ks but I know (and you may have already mentioned the model so I apologize if this is old news) that H&K did make a small run of .40 cal squeezers. Im sure SOMEBODY SOMEWERE Barstow? makes a .357 Sig barrel for it.  It wouldnt be "factory" and probably not a poly barrel but being a fellow scuba nut im thinking you probably have the resources available to make it happen ;D

Offline Jack_Bauer

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Re: Possible new ammo for the R9 - Winchester SXZ
« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2008, 06:35:57 PM »
Im not up on H&Ks but I know (and you may have already mentioned the model so I apologize if this is old news) that H&K did make a small run of .40 cal squeezers. Im sure SOMEBODY SOMEWERE Barstow? makes a .357 Sig barrel for it.  It wouldnt be "factory" and probably not a poly barrel but being a fellow scuba nut im thinking you probably have the resources available to make it happen ;D

The P7 series have fixed barrels that require some work in changing. I doubt it would be cost effective to make after market barrels for them. With that, the round doesn't enter directly into the barrel. The chamber is fixed to the frame and is fluted. I'm not a gun smith but I'm sure that would cause issues for the .357 sig's necked down casing.

Offline capt.koolaid

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Re: Possible new ammo for the R9 - Winchester SXZ
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2008, 06:54:45 PM »
oops! ;D Told ya I wasnt up on H&Ks! My VP70s got a fixed barrel but its a blowback design without a poly barrel. The only gas retarded pistol I owned was a steyr G.B. and its barrels fixed too. Guess Ill go for a .38 Super! :D Im still trying to figure out how the Koch is pronounced in H&K but I almost bought a squeezer a while back when someone said they were gonna be discontinued and dry up. I still see alot of em at gunshows tho and they seem to have a cult following. Neat looking guns!

Offline Jack_Bauer

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Re: Possible new ammo for the R9 - Winchester SXZ
« Reply #24 on: February 28, 2008, 07:32:25 PM »
Im still trying to figure out how the Koch is pronounced in H&K

Some quick HK 101. The "ch" in Koch sounds like a "k" but with an h sound attached to it. So like "coke" with a German inflection on the end.

You can drop the "&" and make it plain HK. :D

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Re: Possible new ammo for the R9 - Winchester SXZ
« Reply #25 on: February 28, 2008, 08:19:35 PM »
Before I became distracted I meant to thank you for that
excellent post on the thread Winchester ammo. Everyrthing
you said was right on the money and the timing was perfect
for me and the Bass Pro Shop.

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Re: Possible new ammo for the R9 - Winchester SXZ
« Reply #26 on: February 29, 2008, 11:20:05 PM »
... I apologize for my bluntness, although I think you know by now that is just me. ...  Mike

It takes a big man to say he's sorry - so good for you, RiffRaff, for doing so.  But you don't need to spend the rest of your life "trying to master" written communication.  Just recognize that saying "my opinion only" does not make it OK to say (as you often do) the equivalent of: 'your favorite firearm stinks' or 'your opinions are stupid and out-of-date.'  

This forum almost always produces a friendly and thoughtful dialog.  You clearly understand that you are "blunt."  So please take a moment a moment to re-read and give some thought to how others will react to what you say before you hit the post button.  
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.  Patrick Henry

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Re: Possible new ammo for the R9 - Winchester SXZ
« Reply #27 on: February 29, 2008, 11:41:01 PM »
I'm REALLy thinking of picking up a P7 from CDNN, not an M8 (dream on $$).

Don't regret not getting the M8 - the plain ol' P7 PSP is a much more comfortable & concealable carry arm - no irritating rub from the US-style mag release.  With a minimum of practice, pulling a mag with the Euro-release is quick and very secure.  Sure the American release and free-dropping mags lead to impressive times in "combat" competition shooting, but in TRW, at the moment of the fan-fecees interface, reliability and familiarity are everything while being able to shave a few tenths off a mag change isn't likely to matter.  

In my experience with a number of PSPs of widely varying vintages, they are consistently dependable, meticulously manufactured, stunningly accurate and sweet-shooting pistols.  So grab a humble PSP while you still can: if CDNN (800  588 9500) still has A-grade pistols (below), they are pristine, elite weapons at less than $700, while very clean B-grades are only about $600.

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.  Patrick Henry

Offline riffraff

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Re: Possible new ammo for the R9 - Winchester SXZ
« Reply #28 on: February 29, 2008, 11:53:56 PM »

Novanglus and all.

Whoah there dude.  You misunderstand.  I will post my opinions and if anyone doesn't like them then they can k*** m* a**.    My opinions are my opinions and I will converse with whomever wishes to converse in order to modify my opinions but  do not confuse my apologies with whatever it is you THINK my apologies mean.

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Offline Jack_Bauer

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Re: Possible new ammo for the R9 - Winchester SXZ
« Reply #29 on: March 01, 2008, 12:04:20 AM »
...they can k*** m* a**...


Is that k*** (KICK)?