Agreed, a civilized bunch. The silence issue was just an observation about several instances I read and wrote.Generally everyone seems very nice and DON"T get me wrong, I like and carry my R9. It is the sine quo non of pocketable 9mm's. The Kahr is not as pocketable IMHO as the R9, except maybe in my baggier weekend clothes.The R9 is the hands down winner here. I am a bit confused by your request,Shaker, for a 226 pic???. I was not implying that the R9 and the 226 were in the same catagory. The 226,although my all-time fav fighting 9mm, is in no way in the same class.It is NOT pocketable, a hip holster weapon, not for pockets except maybe for BDU's!!! Let me know if you just want a photo