OK, decided to forego dove hunting this evening and give the R9, serial # R91X a workout. Is that a relatively early serial number? Also decided to go head-to-head with the Kahr PM9. I had previously fired a quick 8 rds at dark for curiosity's sake which brought the rd count on the R9 to 45 per the previous owner two nights ago. I used WWB 115 gr hardball and a few Federal 147 gr Hy-Shock hp's today. Rds 46-65 were flawless during some slow aimed fire drills w/WWB. Rd 66-70 were with the Fed 147 grn'ers. Rds 69 and 70 both stovepiped or more accurately jammed nose up at a 45 degree angle into the top of the chamber. This was at the end of a 5 shot string. Rd 72 also jammed the same way. Rds 76-100 went back to the WWB and had two FTF at rds 83 and 92. Rd 83 may have been my fault as I was shooting weakhand and may have limp-wristed. 92 is a mystery but the gun WAS getting a bit dirty and hot. I shot it sideways, upside down the last few rds with NO malfunctions.
I think the Federal just isn't a good rd for the gun for some reason. However I think a good cleaning obviously is in order and I was thinking of changing recoil and mag springs just to be sure before carrying. Any suggestions or insights?
I will say that accuracy,control,perceived recoil, sight picture and trigger pull length ALL went BARELY to the Kahr. Trigger smoothness and concealment advantage(size) went to the R9. Interestingly during rapid fire the R9 was easier to shoot. So I guess I'll just have to keep both!