Before purchasing the R9S, I was concerned that it might not carry as well as my P3AT.
The P3AT seemed smaller and lighter, but when it got right down to carrying them, there was not enough difference to matter, in my opinion. The R9S is also small and light, quite like the P3AT.
I use the Milt Sparks PCH holster and it adapts perfectly to the curve of the leg. The R9S is ideally suited for pocket carry.
I made the transition without any problems, except that abrasive tape was required on the front and back of the handle so it would not squirm during firing. Certainly that's just one individual's problem, but tape was required to prevent the pain of recoil.
Please remember that we all purchased the P3AT with the expectation that it might have to be returned to the factory to get it working. That was a fact of life. As far as I know, the majority of R9S pistols work fine. Mine has never failed.
Another candidate, the Kahr PM9, was entirely too heavy for me to enjoy pocket carry.
For what it's worth, many people seem to think the pocket pistol market is saturated.
Not me! I long to see a tiny Glock and tiny Sig, both no larger than the Rohrbaugh. Because there are now "shall issue" laws, with growing numbers of CPL holders, perhaps it will happen. I hope so.
Meanwhile, we have the wonderful R9S.