Author Topic: Hornady One Shot Gun Cleaner and Dry Lube  (Read 4753 times)

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Hornady One Shot Gun Cleaner and Dry Lube
« on: October 29, 2006, 04:17:26 PM »
I have been using the Hornady One shot  rather than the Super Lube grease for the past month with very positive results.

First, the gun is significantly cleaner after firing, much less accumulated residue.

Slide wear does not seem to be any greater than when grease was used, based on 3 range test of 140 total rounds

My failure to feeds are greatly reduced, due to Karl's polishing of my feed ramp, ammo selection, and use of the One Shot rather than grease.

For daily carry, the gun is much less susceptible to picking up lint and other pocket debris.

Overall, I will not go back to use of the super lube grease based both on my experience and the recommendation of Karl Rohrbaugh.  

When I sent my new R9 back to the factory for FTF issues Karl applied the Hornady One Shot to my R9 and recommended that I do the same.  I understand that the factory is changing the lube recommendation from grease to oil.  It may not be feasible to treat all the new production with a One Shot product, due to the numerous original spray applications and drying times required.  But if my experience is representative of the product, I would suggest that my fellow R9 owners check into this spray lube.

Hope this helps you as much as it did me.