Author Topic: I realy like carrying the Pup!  (Read 3349 times)

Offline Les

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I realy like carrying the Pup!
« on: September 15, 2006, 07:39:42 PM »
Maybe I just getting lazy in my old age, but I find myself carrying the pup as my primary gun most of the time. I know that colder weather is coming but the pup is so much easier to carry. I trust the pup to fire when I pull the trigger and RJ's highcut Merlin is so easy to carry any time and any where. I was just wondering if anyone else is doing like me?

I have taken the Aquila ammo out and started using w. 115 grain silvertips instead. I told you, I think, that the Aquila shot flawlessly (of course the Silvertips do too, and are more suitable to all desensive situations I believe).

When my Guardian 32acp comes back from the custom shop and I get KD's back pocket holster that I ordered I'll use it as backup. But I think I will seldom carry my Kimber Ultra much anymore, but it does make a bigger hole!  Les


Offline jaycee

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Re: I realy like carrying the Pup!
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2006, 07:54:49 PM »
Hello Les, same here, I live in florida, most of the time,weather permitting, I am in short pants,with my R9S in pocket holster. I own several pocket holsters from well known makers but the one I use the most as pocket carry is the  "De santis".  I feel very comfortable with the r9s as my main weapon, sometimes but, but just a few times I carry my Seecamp 38O in a ron graham pocket holster.  I like the extra power,so to speak of the R9s. :) :)

Offline R9SCarry

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Re: I realy like carrying the Pup!
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2006, 10:59:46 PM »
I am fortunate being further North - tho heck, it sure still gets well sticky and humid.  I do tho still choose my large and heavy 226 as primary - pup taking up rearguard in pocket often - or even ankle.

I do not tho feel too disadvantaged when it becomes primary - and it sits so well in the pocket.  if I was not so spoiled working from and being at home so much - it could well see more primary duty.  :)
Chris - R9S
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