Author Topic: Stealth first range trip report  (Read 4061 times)

Offline riffraff

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Stealth first range trip report
« on: September 03, 2006, 04:38:39 PM »
Hello everyone!

I will start by saying that my new stealth is not nearly the problem gun that R9S#1 is.  I did not have all the ammo that I would have liked to try.  I did not try any FMJ's for instance and I am out of the Gold Dot's.  I did have plenty of 115gr silvertips and they did pretty well but still had some failures to feed.

The stealth, like my R9S#1 functions perfectly with the Aquila 65gr HP.  There is one small problem.  In both R9's at 15 yds the Aquila 65gr'ers keyhole, everytime.  When the Aquila is fired in my 9mm's with a more standard 3.5" to 4"  barrel they do not keyhole.

I thought I had this info. written down on my doodle pad but I do not.  What is that Winchester load that some have had sucess with?  I think is is 105gr superclean?  If someone could repost the exact type I would appreciate it or post a link.

Overall I like the stealth very much and have no regrets on owning 2 R9S's.  I just love the Rohrbaugh.  If size and weight are a concern to you and you are not comfortable with a 25 or 32 or even a 380 and like 9mm's then the Rohrbaugh cannot be beat.  Another upside is that now all my handguns are 9mm so it cuts down on the ammo I have to stock.

Please post the info on the Winchester load.  I want to try that one next.

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Offline jaycee

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Re: Stealth first range trip report
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2006, 05:23:28 PM »
hello riffraff, i was hoping that your range will be a thorough success as mine's was.  anyway, hang in there.  for your fmj try getting american eagle 115 gr.fmj, i understand they work a little   better than the winchester wwb fmj on this particular gun.  for the info that you are seeking-  winchester super clean nt.  lead free, non toxic. 9mm 105 gr.jacketed soft point-  (SC9NT) i bought mines from you can try their web site.  hope that on your second time out on the range will be a better report.  :) ;)

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Re: Stealth first range trip report
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2006, 05:36:57 PM »
Riffraff, just checked, ammobank is currently out of winchester super clean but "midway usa" have them in stock, just in case you want to purchase. :)

Offline riffraff

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Re: Stealth first range trip report
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2006, 08:08:55 PM »
Thanks jaycee.

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Re: Stealth first range trip report
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2006, 10:29:56 PM »
Mike - never have used any bullets as light as the 65's you mention.  But - remember the gun's potential for tumbling/keyholing - which is very much down to the 1/4" freebore.

I am wondering if a) the OAL of those Aguila's is shorter perhaps plus - b) if even the driving area on those is same as haevier bullets.

The combination of shorter AOL and less driving area would I am sure predicate some tumbling but - certainly, just fine in bigger guns.

Not sure if you could do it with no camera of course - but would be interesting to see side by side pics of the 65 grain round and say, a WWB ball round - plus seeing two pulled bullets side by side too.

Glad you like the Stealth anyways :)
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Offline riffraff

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Re: Stealth first range trip report
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2006, 11:15:20 PM »

The Aquila bullet is some type of alloy and the hollow point is very, very deep.  The OAL of the Aquila is not nearly as short as some of the other very light bullets I have tried, as light as 90grains and they do not keyhole and the 147gr I have fired thru the R9 did not show evidence of keyholeing at 15 yds either.  From the shape of the bullet and the depth of the hollow point I believe that the driving area or surface of the bullet that contacts the rifleing is sufficient.  I think it is just a matter of bullet weight and center of gravity of the bullet.

I used to reload handgun ammo but found out a long time ago that if you buy pistol ammo in case quantities that reloading handgun ammo is simply not worth the time.  I sold or gave away all my pistol reloading gear and the only thing I reload for now is the 30-06 and the 50BMG.  As you know I don't have a digital camera and also have no way to pull any 9mm bullets.  I am sorry I can't be of more technical assistance.

I love this forum, I keep learning things all the time.

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