Today, I flew up to spend the day with oldganpa and his shooting buddies by participating in a "poker shoot". What fun! You are dealt 6 cards -- pick 5 -- and shoot the corresponding "cards" on the target (though they are smaller than actual playing cards -- and overlap each other) from 8 yards. One "hand" is fired from a bench rest and the second from standing off-hand.
I used the HK P7M8. Let's just say that I wish I had fired both "hands" from standing off-hand.... The bench rest and the P7M8 (me) didn't produce the results I anticipated.
After the shoot, oldgranpa and I set out to do a little more wetpack testing. In our ealier tests, we noted that some bullets fired from the LWS380 appeared to keyhole -- though penetration was very acceptable.
I had read of possible keyhole results from the Rhorbaugh R9S in threads on the rohrbaugh forum. So, oldgranpa and I decided to conduct a little shoot-out between the two guns -- specifically looking for evidence of keyholing.
We weren't disappointed, six rounds were fired from each pistol -- 2 showed evidence of keyholing from the R9S and 1 from the LWS380.
Here are the results:

A few interesting notes. Both Silvertips fired from the LWS380 failed to expand -- at all. The 115gr Gold Dot perfomed much better than the 124 gr Gold Dot from the R9S. Both pistols produced shots that keyholed -- though penetration was excellent.
Based upon the previous results from the LWS380 with the Corbon DPX load -- it is still the cartridge that I recommend (and carry) in my Seecamp. Oldgranpa fired a couple of DPX cartridges today -- and as before, expansion was complete and penetration was excellent.
Since the R9S is limited to standard pressure ammunition (thus ruling out the +P DPX for use), it appears that the lighter weight Gold Dot is the best performer of the ammunition tested in the Rohrbaugh.