Author Topic: Guinnessdog gets pup back - again...  (Read 5036 times)

Offline Guinnessdog

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Guinnessdog gets pup back - again...
« on: August 11, 2006, 03:47:19 PM »
Hello all, I got the pup back from it's second trip to the factory for warranty repairs. This time it took about a month to return, Karl called me and explained that he was having trouble locating a place to get grip screws (part of the repair was for a stripped grip screw thread in the frame, also it had broken the hammer strut).

I've been to the range with it twice now, with mixed results.

Following the advice of others on this forum, when shooting the pup I let it cool off every couple of magazines. I would fire 2 or 3 mags, then let the gun cool for several minutes until it was barely warm to the touch, then fire another 2-3 mags. I call this rate of fire the "Rorhbaugh Rate."

This seems to be effective at keeping the gun from misfeeding. I had one misfeed in the first magazine, but then fired 40 rounds without misfeed. On my second trip, I fired a total of 75 rounds without misfeed. Since this is a concealed carry defensive weapon, I think it is legitimate to expect it to be reliable over very brief shooting strings, not blaze away until the gun is too hot to touch.

Perhaps as the weapon heats up, the tolerances change to such a degree that it does not work properly. Or maybe after many continuous rounds my hand is fatigued and that causes problems. I don't know, but I guess I don't care as long as there is a solution. Also, I changed to Tetragun grease, maybe that helps, too.

So I have to say I am satisfied - finally - that the pup's digestion issues have been solved.

HOWEVER, other problems arose. Try this on for size: about halfway through mag number 2 on my first range session, the pup "doubled." To be clear: it fired two rounds with one trigger squeeze. My guess is that it had a cyclic rate of about 1200 rounds per minute. Bang Bang, as fast as you can imagine.

Needless to say, I was rather alarmed by this. That's a lot to hold on to, and I'm not sure where that second round flew off to. I thought for a few moments about packing the blasted thing off to the factory again before firing another shot. But curiosity caused me to try to duplicate the phenomenon, which I could not. So I've put over 120 rounds through it since then, and it has not done it again. Does that mean it won't ever do it again? Who knows...

There was one other problem I encountered. On my second trip to the range, after the first shot of the day the hammer failed to rebound to it's normal down position. It kind of hung up in a sort of half-cock. Stroking the trigger again freed it up, and this has not happened again. I'm pretty confident that these two malfunctions are related. I plan on  shooting it some more over the coming weeks, and if either problem resurfaces, it's back to the kennel for this misbehaving cur.

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Guinnessdog gets pup back - again...
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2006, 05:41:32 PM »
Thanks for the informative and interesting report. I have had
that double fire problem with some other pistols but not this
one; hope all goes without further glitches.

Offline capt.koolaid

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Re: Guinnessdog gets pup back - again...
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2006, 06:48:29 PM »
WOW! Guinness I must say ive been watchin for your next post. I thought you'd gave up by now. Im sorry to say my R-9 has developed the stripped grip screw problem as well. Based on the turn around time you expierianced I guess ill just wrap my grip in electrical tape and hope for the best. I also had the trigger problem you spoke of but when I disassembled it i found it had come loose. ( probably from the excess play in the grip to frame contact). I was able to reattach so its working again. I cant believe this type of issue/s! Did the bros offer ANY kind of explanation/customer satisfaction?

Offline PursuitSS

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Re: Guinnessdog gets pup back - again...
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2006, 08:25:42 PM »

HOWEVER, other problems arose. Try this on for size: about halfway through mag number 2 on my first range session, the pup "doubled." To be clear: it fired two rounds with one trigger squeeze. My guess is that it had a cyclic rate of about 1200 rounds per minute. Bang Bang, as fast as you can imagine.

A few ideas, the doubling might be caused by a weak firing pin spring, a weak recoil spring, or a weak hammer spring (or a combination), the last two would result in a higher slide velocity.

For grins I'd change out all three!

« Last Edit: August 11, 2006, 08:29:11 PM by PursuitSS »
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Re: Guinnessdog gets pup back - again...
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2006, 11:41:28 PM »
hay dog
 groo here
   I had that  double problem once on a revolver???
    if it only happened once the problen may be a reflex of the      finger and grip from kick or loose grip    
    it feels strange  but if your a revolver shooter the tringer finger
    gets loose in double action shooting allowing the triger spring to
     reset the triger as the finger rides along
    on an auto this could cause a condition where the finger holds the triger in the corect place to allow the hammer to fall and the firing pin to unlock under the shock of recoil  
    I  got a 1911 to go  2 shot burst when i wanted by litting the gun jump back and forth in my grip .

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Re: Guinnessdog gets pup back - again...
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2006, 11:45:24 PM »
Hey, Groo; how are you? I think you may be on to something.

Offline Guinnessdog

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Re: Guinnessdog gets pup back - again...
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2006, 12:12:50 PM »
It had occured to me that I may have inadvertently double tapped the trigger without realizing it. Perhaps under recoil, my trigger finger bounced off the trigger just enough to reset it, and then pressed down on it in the next instant, thus resulting in a double.

I don't think so, though. The second shot came so fast that I dont think my finger could physically travel even that short distance in that short time. The two shots were like a tenth of a second apart. It seems more likely that a slightly weak firing pin spring combined with a super-sensitive primer may have caused a slam-fire type thing to occur. I was shooting Federal Hydra-Shok, does Federal have particularly sensitive primers?

Either that or the hammer followed the slide down. I've tried to make it happen again, but haven't yet.

Offline PJNevada

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Re: Guinnessdog gets pup back - again...
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2006, 07:59:43 PM »

... There was one other problem I encountered. On my second trip to the range, after the first shot of the day the hammer failed to rebound to it's normal down position. It kind of hung up in a sort of half-cock. Stroking the trigger again freed it up, and this has not happened again. I'm pretty confident that these two malfunctions are related. I plan on  shooting it some more over the coming weeks, and if either problem resurfaces, it's back to the kennel for this misbehaving cur.

FYI, I had this same problem this weekend. Hammer appeared to hang up, after recoil, on the recess cut in the slide. However, I did not examine the malfunction closely, just cleared and continued. Happened twice while shooting WWB 115 grain range loads. I plan on more range time later this week, so I'll keep you posted.