Author Topic: Traveling with Puppies...  (Read 4482 times)

Offline Calvin Cooledge

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Traveling with Puppies...
« on: August 03, 2006, 09:08:38 PM »
Hello again, guys!
Just back from vacation in Upstate New York (Lake George-Fabulous!) and I decided to try to travel with the pup. I flew to Pittsburgh, and declared my R9, locked in the Life Jacket®, and was, um, held up by the TSA, not because I had a gun, but because no one there had ever seen a Life Jacket® (I'm so happy I figured out how to type the "®"!), and the guys callled all their other TSA pals over to look at it. I was proud, noting to them that not only was the gun secure, but that even if the gun got stolen, the thief could not sell or enjoy (or worse) the gun without destroying it.  They WERE impressed!

The gun travelled like a dream. I hardly noticed it in my pocket, and luckily I did not need to use it.

I have a question. Does New York prohibit ANY ownership of handguns?
Or just CCW's. Can you carry a gun in your car or have one in your home there?

Enquiring minds want to know...


"I'm spreading my loyalty around..." - Calvin Cooledge

Offline Brenden

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Re: Traveling with Puppies...
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2006, 10:27:50 PM »
NY CITY is a big NO GO!!!
Every thing else is county wide I believe?

As  I understand,some upstaters are "almost" free!!

Good going on the pup transport!! I am always unduly concerned in these matters though.. :o

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Offline WoodstockDoug

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Re: Traveling with Puppies...
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2006, 11:14:45 PM »
NYC prohibits anything even resembling a gun, up to and including raising your thumb while pointing your forefinger.

In rest of the state, we have to register all our handguns, but there is no registration of long guns (although the Clinton AWB insanity is still in effect here.)

NY is fairly easy in terms of carry restrictions -- if you have a carry permit, you can't carry in schools or courthouses, but there are no restrictions on carrying in bars, banks, churches, or any of the other places that are banned or restricted in other states.  I'm not sure if the gun HAS to be concealed, either -- the license reads "license to carry pistol" and doesn't specify concealed.  I have seen occasional people walking with a visible handgun on their hip that weren't in uniform, so I guess you can carry openly if you choose, as long as you have a carry permit to begin with.

Getting a carry permit varies by county -- mine issues to anyone who asks for one, as do some.  Some counties give out restricted permits easliy (home, range, hunting, etc) but won't give out unrestricted.  Others won't give out any permits at all, but (other than NYC) all will honor other counties' permits.  NY does NOT give out non-resident permits.

The requirements for a permit also vary by county -- some require training classes, and I think one other than NYC has a time limit, but my county didn't require any training, and the permit is lifetime.  

Hope that answers your questions.  

Offline PursuitSS

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Re: Traveling with Puppies...
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2006, 12:26:15 AM »
NY CITY is a big NO GO!!!
Every thing else is county wide I believe?



HR 218 states that Police Officers can carry ANYWHERE in the U.S. That being said, New York City is arresting out of town Officers until they can "verify their credentials".

They need to change their uniforms to black and wear their badges on a white and red armband.........."PAPERS!!!"

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Offline Calvin Cooledge

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Re: Traveling with Puppies...
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2006, 11:10:19 AM »
Thanks, Doug! BTW-I WENT to Woodstock (the original one in 1969) even though it wasn't IN Woodstock. Nice country up there!

Perhaps I'm not reading your reply correctly (It could be the drugs speaking here; I had minor sinus surgery yesterday and I'm sill a little woozie;*)

Can you POSSESS, like anyone in Georgia can, a gun in your house, car, or place of business, for the purposes of personal protection? Does the gun have to be registered in the STATE of New York (I'm not talking about NYC here, nor am I thinking a concealed weapon-in GA, a gun must either be in "plain view or in a glove compartment")?  I can see how it works that county to county restrictions could make it a nightmare for you to drive around doing stuff.

Also, I sensed you were serious about the 'finger pointing' thing.
I pity the fool who made that illegal!

Thanks again!

Woozie Kurtz
(BTW-I just CAN'T imagine that NYC can legally prohibit possession of a weapon by a law abiding citizen. I've said it before "Who lets this happen, and why hasn't it been challenged?" My guess is, it has...)

NYC prohibits anything even resembling a gun, up to and including raising your thumb while pointing your forefinger.

In rest of the state, we have to register all our handguns, but there is no registration of long guns (although the Clinton AWB insanity is still in effect here.)

NY is fairly easy in terms of carry restrictions -- if you have a carry permit, you can't carry in schools or courthouses, but there are no restrictions on carrying in bars, banks, churches, or any of the other places that are banned or restricted in other states.  I'm not sure if the gun HAS to be concealed, either -- the license reads "license to carry pistol" and doesn't specify concealed.  I have seen occasional people walking with a visible handgun on their hip that weren't in uniform, so I guess you can carry openly if you choose, as long as you have a carry permit to begin with.

Getting a carry permit varies by county -- mine issues to anyone who asks for one, as do some.  Some counties give out restricted permits easliy (home, range, hunting, etc) but won't give out unrestricted.  Others won't give out any permits at all, but (other than NYC) all will honor other counties' permits.  NY does NOT give out non-resident permits.

The requirements for a permit also vary by county -- some require training classes, and I think one other than NYC has a time limit, but my county didn't require any training, and the permit is lifetime.  

Hope that answers your questions.  
"I'm spreading my loyalty around..." - Calvin Cooledge

Offline WoodstockDoug

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Re: Traveling with Puppies...
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2006, 08:13:51 PM »
You cannot buy a handgun in NY without a permit.  Permits to possess a handgun at home are the most easily obtained; permits to carry concealed are harder, depending on the county.  Anyone can walk into their local Malwart or Gander MOuntain and buy a shotgun or rifle, without any permit, and keep that at home.

To buy a handgun here, you go to the store, pay for it, submit to the background check, and then the store gives you a reciept, but not the gun.  You then take the receipt to your local sherrif's office and they add the gun to your permit.  You then go back to the store, show them your updated permit, and they allow you to take the gun home.  It is an annoying system, but it satisifies someone's need for beaurocracy, and I guess it makes the anti's feel they have accomplished something.  In reality, it is a minor annoyance, but once you have the system figured out, it is just something you plan on -- buy the pistol during your lucnh break, get the permit updated during the next day's lunch break and pick it up on the third day.

At one point I was working all the hours the sherrif's dept was open, so they agreed to update my permit by mail and send me the new card.  They were quite accomodating.  Yes, it is nice to be able to buy something and walk out of the store with it, but I think of it more like buying something by mail -- it is going to take a couple of days to arrive.  Then it does.  It's just the way the system works here.

And yes, it is beautiful here -- aside from their stupid need to protect me from myself, living in NY is actually pretty good, as long as you stay far from the city.    

Offline Calvin Cooledge

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Re: Traveling with Puppies...
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2006, 09:47:21 PM »
Great clarification, Doug! That's what I needed to know. You register the gun, instead of yourself, sort of...

Confusion is the tool of the perverse...

Thanks again...

Not so Swoozie anymore!


...To buy a handgun here, you go to the store, pay for it, submit to the background check, and then the store gives you a reciept, but not the gun.  You then take the receipt to your local sherrif's office and they add the gun to your permit.  You then go back to the store, show them your updated permit, and they allow you to take the gun home.  It is an annoying system, but it satisifies someone's need for beaurocracy, and I guess it makes the anti's feel they have accomplished something.  In reality, it is a minor annoyance, but once you have the system figured out, it is just something you plan on -- buy the pistol during your lucnh break, get the permit updated during the next day's lunch break and pick it up on the third day.

"I'm spreading my loyalty around..." - Calvin Cooledge

Offline Michigunner

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Re: Traveling with Puppies...
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2006, 10:09:34 PM »
I like that:  Traveling with Puppies...

Pretty darn good Subject to choose.
