What perterbs me slightly is that when I inquired about adding Black T to the Rohrbaugh, I was summarily told in definitive terms by Rohrbaugh management that it would void the warranty on my gun. They did not advise it, and suggested that it would adversely affect the proper operation of the gun. Funny, in talking to Walter Birdsong, never in his extensive experience with guns from almost every gun manufacturer has his finish done anything but enhance the performance, maintenance, durability, etc. of any gun. Never has Black T had adverse affects. The S&W slide treatment that is approved by Rohrbaugh management for future use is 3 times thicker than Black T. I understand that Rohrbaugh cannot test every gun coating known to man, but they specifically asked me what the treatment was called and the mil thickness of it. Legally speaking, I suppose they would have to prove that the coating caused the problem. In the mean time, they would simply refuse my work and return my gun to me (so they say). I only worry about some defect in materials or workmanship that could crop up that would be the fault of Rohrbaugh in the first place...for that I should be covered, but was told I won't be.