Calvin, where have you been?
Hi Guys!
Sorry I haven't been able to post lately. You might remember I've been busy taking care of Mom and the good brother. Bro is healed, although they discovered he has diabetes and some damage to his heart. Not life threatening, except he has to give up every thing that means something to him, that is, alcohol, smoking, women(?!), food, and fine living all around. He's paying the piper...
Mom, on the other hand, has a broken neck. Sounds dire! It is. When I was a kid back in '06;^), if you broke your neck, you were dead. Now, and luckily, I've found out that is just not the case. I'm not diminishing the pain and suffering she bears, but a broken neck is not all that uncommon in elderly people, especially ones with degenerative arthritis.
(And I thought I was the degenerate in the family;^)
So, the prognosis is to wear a foam collar for 3-4 months and it should heal enough for her to remove the collar, and be as close to stable as is possible. The surgical alternative is not an option, because the morbidity rate in 40-50 year old people is high. In elderly folks, it's worse. We don't want to tear down the building to put out the fire!
So, three months of relative misery vs. 9 months to a year to recover. It's too much quality time out of what life remains for my Mom. Thus the decision to take the conservative approach. I just can't stand to see her in pain. They say your parents become your children. Mom's a pretty nice kid!
Now, some 'on-topic' stuff. I am SO glad that my R9 is such a great gun!
I've felt for a long time that the gun would be improved and the reliability of my gun is now certain. Remember, no machine is perfect (except my Tim Hancock ABS Mastersmith forged Loveless hunter;^).
You know I also collect guitars (but you can include your own passion here) and it's a rare beast that's perfect right out of the box. The important thing is that you satisfy your own self that this gun is for you. The recent link we got to Larry Seecamp's view of feeding issues was really eye opening, making me realize this is not an uncommon problem. And the fact that some guns work better for some people, but not all of them, is both disturbing and a relief at the same time. It explains a lot.
One thing I'm gonna change when I'm President is people will be allowed to return their stuff if it doesn't work for them. Think: Tires. How on earth can someone know how they will like the tires they choose until they're bought and on the car. Too late to return them! Not with me! And now that I've turned this into a politcal forum (I beg your forgiveness;^), also when I'm President, no one will be allowed to serve water in a restaurant with lemon already in it. Who made that rule? Lemon will ONLY be allowed when requested. And all those guys who sit in the passing lane at a slow speed will be picked up by a helicopter with grappling hooks and flown to Iraq, where they will end the war by combining all tribes in unity against this world menace;^)
I have a whole list of things I'll do when I'm President. If you have some, let me know and if they are worthy, I'll add them (credit will be given where due!) and we'll start a grass roots return to sensibility in America!
Your next President,
Calvin Cooledge
"Vote For Me; The Other Guy's Worse..."