I've continued to have frequent, that is, every round or every other round, FTFs even after top end replacement (for a slide crack), and even after firing now some 210+ rounds through my #R9xx Rohrbaugh.
This appears to improve as the gun gets dirty, say after about 20 rounds, then becomes problematic again past a certain point, maybe 50 rounds, during any particular outing with the gun.
FWIW, I'm a decades-long experienced shooter with advanced training certificates who's owned and shot dozens of handguns hundreds of thousands of rounds, and I'm not holding the gun wrong or interfering with the action of the slide, or "limp-wristing" or "flinching" or anything else.
The gun has had nothing through it but factory premium standard 9mm fodder, lately nothing but Gold Dot 124gr JHP.
Pretty disappointing.
My reason for going to the trouble to get a Rohrbaugh (and it took some doing to come by one) was as a backup or "last ditch" gun, and unless it's THOROUGHLY, COMPLETELY reliable, it simply won't serve in this capacity for me.
I didn't buy it as a toy or just to have "something different". If mine is a lemon, then it either needs fixin' or replacement.
If I can't get satisfaction on this, I'll carry my 340PD again instead. At least with it I know I have 5 shots, guaranteed, of .38 Special 135gr Gold Dot +P JHP.