I have seen several comments scattered throughout a few threads on this subject, and thought I would begin a thread with the above title.
I have both a R9s and a Seecamp 380. Both were purchased new.
I have fired them approximately 70 - 80 rounds each.
Both functioned perfectly (except the R9 with S&B ammo, but I consider that an ammo problem) with hollow point self defense ammo.
Both recoil stoutly, and both whack my trigger finger. I have pretty large hands, so this may be part of the problem. The Seecamp had slightly more perceived recoil than the R9.
I have no problem controlling either pistol. I have grip tape on the R9.
The Seecamp is smaller, and thus easier to carry in a pocket, however, the R9 is certainly not difficult to carry in the same manner.
The Seecamp is a little easier to disassemble than the R9.
To me the Seecamp seems to be of a little higher quality than the R9, but the Seecamp is all stainless, and is finished perfectly.
The R9 is, obviously, a 9mm. However, the hot 380 loads in the Seecamp aren't too far away from standard pressure 9mm, but still feel that the advantage is with the R9 here.
So, the two are very small single purpose self defense pistols that are really quite similar, but each has its own unique features.
Which one do I keep? I haven't decided yet, but certainly don't think that either one has any significant advantage over the other from a quality or function standpoint. Will just have to wait and see if I have any strong feelings for one over the other.