Author Topic: I'm seeing frame wear - any comments?  (Read 28555 times)

Offline sslater

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Re: I'm seeing frame wear - any comments?
« Reply #60 on: August 10, 2005, 09:03:33 PM »
I'm glad Datan posted such clear photos of his R9 "after rework".  I reported yesterday on my second range session (157 rounds cumulative total).  My frame is wearing exactly like Datan's in the area below the rails, though mine shows no evidence of contact in that pocket.  
My gun is serial #R360 and was delivered less than a month ago. It has the latest recoil assy with chamfer at front, radius on rear of barrel chamber, etc.  I have to admit that I treated those heavy wear areas with Brownell's Action Magic II before Super Lubing and reassembling.  Probably won't make any difference, but I feel better.

BTW: I've found an easy way to get the barrel pin back in during reassembly.  I insert my Stop Stick up to the same mark as I use for disassembly.  Then I ease the slide back a bit with a finger over the end of the barrel's muzzle until the assembly holes line up.  With my third hand I can then drop the pin in easily.  ;D  Actually, I have the gun positioned so the pin drops in vertically & put the pin in the slide hole, then wiggle the slide back a little.
It's easier done than explained.


Offline sgtdraino

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Re: I'm seeing frame wear - any comments?
« Reply #61 on: February 09, 2006, 06:23:55 AM »
Has anyone seen anything like this wear on their R9/R9S?

Just a quick message to say that I experienced frame-wear very similar to this after the 100 rounds of 124GR Gold Dot I put through the weapon for firearms qualification. To my eye the wear is closer to what Datan experienced that to what R9SCarry experienced (i.e. looks worse). But I am witholding judgement for the time being.

Offline MountainMan

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Re: I'm seeing frame wear - any comments?
« Reply #62 on: February 09, 2006, 06:53:43 PM »
That is normal with the tight fit and aluminum against steel.  I think about everyone has that after awhile.  It seems to be self limiting.  After a period of time it will set in and not wear anymore - at least that what most experiences.
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Offline TW

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I'm seeing frame wear - any comments?
« Reply #63 on: February 09, 2006, 11:00:03 PM »
That is normal with the tight fit and aluminum against steel.  I think about everyone has that after awhile.  It seems to be self limiting.  After a period of time it will set in and not wear anymore - at least that what most experiences.

>>That is exactly what Karl told me when I sent him pics of my looks just like this, my newer to a lesser degree...TW<<