Busy week so it took me some time to break the gun down and snap a few pics. Here is what they did: (1) rounded the rear edge of the barrel, (2) changed the guide rod, (3) changed the extractor spring, (4) changed the barrel pin. Don't think items 2 - 4 were needed (I had changed the barrel pin previously to the new harder version) but were nice. Item #1 was the main work. The newer guide rod looks more polished and the has a beveled front edge. Here are the relevant pics:
The barrel post "update" - notice the back edge of the barrel - it is rounded.

The barrel pre "update" (old pic) - notice the sharp edge at the back of the barrel.

They knocked off the burrs:

Here is the new guide rod:

Here is the old guide rod (old pic) - notice the absence of the bevel on the front:

Happy to have the gun back in my pocket! The factory again stated that this wear was normal.. actually, the invoice stated "wear is excellent"
