What I didn't get out of your post is if Karl is saying this is a posssible design problem in all guns made to date, or something that just happened to your pistol. My guess it is all pistols otherwise just redo your barrel.
Sorry, I wasn't trying to be obtuse. It's a problem for me as a customer so he wants to solve my problem first and foremost. I want to be able to shoot 147 grn ammo (brand to me doesn't matter). What he plans on doing globally, I don't know. For example, Chris has two guns. One seems to exhibit with WWB 115, the other doesn't. It is a problem for Chris? I don't know. It's not necessarily a design problem, but rather the consequences of design choices they made to fit their overall design criteria.
At the same time all those who already have the gun want it to be perfect. So what happens if there is a fix for something like bullet tumble, frame wear, and etc. If all sent them back for updates the company would be overwhelmed and lose their profit edge, small as it may be. Just wondering.
I don't want my R9S to be perfect (what does that mean exactly). I do want it to shoot in a reliable manner 147 grn SD ammo. Many on this board seem satisified with their current R9 functionality. Heck, Kahr had a PM9 barrel recall to "fix" functioning with some JHP ammo. Many owners felt there wasn't a problem their PM9 and so never bothered with the time and expense of sending it back.
When Glock makes design changes to their pistol, do they recall every pistol made? Heck, they don't even call major problem like frame rail breakage a "recall", but rather a voluntary upgrade. Many owners just shoot them until they break (if they even do break).