One other thing - my observation - I think Eric's lube quantities were a trifle excessive but helped to show what was going on. In practice - and up to a point, less is more, and that applies too with oil.
That gun I now use only Militeck1 oil on - but of course this is stainless running on stainless. My preference with R9 is minimalistic lube on rails - and acceptance of doing a more regular cleaning to keep the pup in tip-top condition.
>>Regarding R9 lubrications... This is an issue I spent a lot of time and energy going over with Karl and Eric during and after my visit with them. Bottom line is that the amounts of grease you see being distributed on the R9 in the pics are right on = just what they do at the factory. The rails in particular seem to benefit from "lots" of grease.
Although other lubes may work in the R9, I feel it is best to stick with the factory suggested products - especially when advising folks on what to use...this in particular when talking to a novice like me with limited experience testing lubes in guns. Karl told me the #1 problem he sees in guns returned to the factory is lack of proper lubricant. I think this is especially true regarding grease on the rails.
Rohrbaugh recommends using "Super Lube with PTFE". Bear in mind there are several different grades of Super Lube - so be sure to purchase the one with PTFE. You can purchase this product on line at
The oil used at the Factory is Mobile One 0-30. This is a light grade of oil which can be purchased at some car places...although I was unable to find it here in my area. Eric told me that most quality, light grade gun oils will probably suffice...again - the specific grease being more important than the oil.
Lastly as an FYI... The Loctite used on the grip screws is 222 Loctite.
To sum up...I would encourage using goodly amounts (probably more than used on most other guns) of the proper grease and oil on the R9 for routine maintenance, just as shown on the pics showing Eric doing the deed. Anything less and you may risk problems with the gun (FTFeed, FTEject, etc.), and you may even void the warranty.
I too would like to thank Chris for his OUTSTANDING work making those pics usable/useful, in addition to that SUPERB narration job, resulting in another of his professional grade video clips which should prove helpful to any and all R9 owners.
It's efforts and people like this involved with all things R9 which help set the "Pup" a notch apart from other guns and projects. You may first experience such excellence if ever you have reason to interact with any and all the folks at the Rohrbaugh Factory. It therefore does not surprise me to see this excellence passed on in folks like Duane, who provide this Forum format for us at no cost, and Chris who so willingly (and freely) makes available his talent, skills, and service to help folks like us better to know and love our R9s.
By gosh - it makes me proud to be an R9 owner - lol...! Funny, but true.
I wish all the folks here on this Forum a Wonderful Christmas weekend, and all the best in the New Year...!!
Lube well & shoot well...!!...TW<<