Today I fired five full magazines plus an additional round in the chamber each time. I have three magazines, used them all, and had two hiccups with the second mag. Otherwise everything fired perfectly.
Mag I: 7 GDHP 124 gr, 7 Winchester FMJ 115 gr - clean.
Mag II: 7 GDHP 124 gr - 2nd & 3rd rounds double fed - quick fix with a piece of wooden chop stick; 14 Win. FMJ 115 gr. - clean.
Mag III: 7 GDHP & 7 Win. FMJ 115 gr. - clean.
Round total is now 386. I'm pretty satisfied as I've had other pistols with problem mags. I now carry my spare mag in one of RJ Hedley's excellent mag carriers. Keeps it clean and is sturdy enough to provide some protection from dings.
At home for cleaning, I stripped the #II mag and inspected the weld, compared spring length to original length and compared feed lip opening dimension to the other mags. Nothing obvious. I gave the lips a little tweak in the vise. Mag #II willl be held for practice and experimentation until I get it relaible or send it back to Rohrbaugh.
BTW: Practice does make disassembly / assembly very uneventful and easy. All I use is a brass "Stop Stick" and a punch.