>>Hi Skyhook...
You probably don't want to hear this, but my suggestion is that Karl may not contact you until he has at least figured out the problem(s) with your gun - unless he specifically promised to call you when he received the gun to assure it did arrive (??).
I say this as I too have several guns out - recently returned to their manufacturers requesting examination and repair, as might be appropriate. And of course I provided my contact points and asked to be called if they had any questions or concerns...but I don't realistically expect to hear from them until the guns are fixed - unless there are questions they may have to help solve the problems.
You probably won't want to hear this either...but I said many months ago and believe it is worth saying again now...
I feel some folks have put Eric & Karl up on an unrealistic pedestal as every R9 holder's best friend...partially through the magic of this forum, but also from the early ease of access Eric allowed himself through e-mail and phones.
For us it was GREAT...! We all know how personable, helpful, and responsive Eric was up until six or eight months ago through these media. Thing is... Eric eventually got overwhelmed and stressed out to the point it was not good for his personal health, or the business..!!
For one thing... All it took was one or two very unreasonable/offensive people to ruin a good thing for all of us, and Eric - because he IS such a genuine person, and folks like that tend to be taken advantage of.
This also leads into a different but related issue...of what happens often times when you are successful at something. Like the R9...!
I doubt Eric would ever have come out and put things this way, in part because he is such the gentileman...and because the easy access direct contact with MOST of us, the end users, was enjoyable for him...to a point.
But eventually with the very quick success of the R9 Eric was more needed at the factory making guns than he was being on the front lines with us, sad (for Eric and us), but true...so I believe. Now Maria is manning the front desk, and Eric and Karl are mostly back scenes working on guns...as things need to be. Occasionally Karl or Eric may come out of the caves to take a special issue question or address a need in fixing a gun (like Skyhook?), when appropriate.
My point in bringing this up today is that I think for one... We need to be careful when encouraging folks here on the forum...especially if they are new to the R9...about how fast and wonderful Rohrbaugh is (mostly true) because they are the R-Bros...etc., etc. Yes - they will take care of us - but lets present things reasonably.
And for two... I beleive those of us WAITING to have our guns or questions addressed by the R-Bros (TW raises his hand here too) need to expect no more from them than we would any other well run and successful (but small) business. They are not magic...just two brothers (and team) running a growing business as best they can. Anything more is gravy.
And thats all I have to say about that. Anyone... Feel free to have at me if you do not agree with what I'v said. Just remember...I too am waiting to have various guns fixed...in a timely way...TW<<