Please note: One of the crippling characteristics which my gun possessed before I sent it back was the failure- using all kinds of various rnds- to hand feed from the magazine. The rnd would just nose into the front of the mag or the edge of the bbl and stop.
Karl's crew fixed that completely-- every time I inserted the mag and cycled the slide, a rnd was fed into battery.
Now, if only the FTF can be addressed and mullified, I'll have the gun I always wanted. I haven't quit, yet.
>>Hi Skyhook...
I'm a little confused here by what you said... I'm hearing that Karl fixed the FTFeed problem...but then you say the gun still needs to have the FTF problem addressed...? Do you mean FTFire...??
When my guns both started to experience FTFeed it was after their routine clean & lube jobs. BTW...both guns were "cold" when I did this, having done my most recent shooting two days prior. I mention this because Karl asked me about it...speculating that a "hot" gun, as in just come off the range, might be more prone to FTFeed.
Regarding springs...#1 gun experienced FTFeed after 20 shots on the large mainspring, #2 gun had 89 shots on in my case I kinda doubt the new spring/old spring thing was an issue. However of mentioned by SSLater - my guns both started to feed better after sitting in the safe untouched for several months. Out of curiosity - does anyone know of a way to test the strength of the recoil springs...? in poundage when fully compressed, I guess. This could prove useful information - if not with fixing the FTFeed issues, may be of help in determining scientifically when to change out springs.
My focus on FTFeed probs and fix is currently centered on the condition of the feed ramp attached to the barrel. I base this in part on what Cuteo100 told us about treating his feed ramp to a polish and treatment with Miltec-1 oil...and the fact Karl spoke about having cleaned and polished mine while back in the shop...he might have said something about modifying them during our phone chat, but I don't have that in my notes (he did speak about modifying the back of the barrels, although I have yet to look and see what that is about). But then there was no mention of modifying either the barrels or ramps in the written report - only mention of a "Barrel tune"...what ever that is...and it may be worth asking again. Thoughts, anyone...?
Oh, and Skyhook... I'm glad to hear you haven't given up on your R9 just yet. To me,thus far, the headaches and delays have been worth it to have my R9s seemingly back to specks and in my pocket. Notice I am using terms like "seemingly", because I too will have a limit as to what it's worth to
keep them going. I know you will have your limit as well. I just that if you do get frustrated again that you don't take it out on the rest of us here...or at least not! Good luck with your gun and please keep us posted on things...maybe consider some of the issues and ideas folks have brought up this thread.