I'm pretty sure you are right. Serial number only indicates when the frame got to the "serial number puttin' on stage".
My R9S was delivered in mid July, a week after it was built. It has a serial number in the mid -300's, but I was assured the frame has the latest anodizing & machining details, barrel machining, etc. And my slide is marked "Deer Park". I watched my dealer unpack the box of 18 R9's. Mine was at the top of the shipping box. The ones on the bottom could have been in the 7xx range, or anywhere in between. You might say my pup was the pick of the litter, because I got to the shop first.
BTW: My Simichrome polish and dental floss trick won't work. I forgot the frame grooves in the slide don't run all the way to the front of the slide. I modified a brass drift to get into those corners and kinda "boned" the metal along with a bit of polish. The metal finish is
very smooth to begin with. Didn't feel any machining marks.