I just came back from shooting the refurbished R-9S.
Well, the accuracy and precision are excellent for a pistol of this type.
POI = POA, and the first 124gr JHP Gold Dot from a clean cold barrel went right in the middle of the 2" bullseye of a standard NRA slowfire pistol target at 5 yards.
I still had FTFs (failures to feed), in spite of polishing the feedramp with Simichrome and my Dremel, AND heating the Mili-Tech treated feedramp with my wife's hairdryer afterward, but function was much better on the whole. Basically, I had occasional FTFs for the first 15 rounds, then perfect function for many rounds, then occasional FTFs again at the end of 113 total rounds, of which 38 were Gold Dots, 25 were 115gr Federal 9BP JHP, and 50 were Federal American Eagle 115gr FMJ.
FTFs were of three types; either the cartridge would be lying straight and still mostly contained within the magazine, and bullet nose would be lodged against the front of the shiny polished feedramp, or the cartridge would be pointed up at an acute angle and the bullet nose lodged against the top-inside of the chamber, or a round would be lodged full-length at the top of the ejection port, with the lower base of the cartridge against the upper breechface and the bullet nose against the upper edge of the chamber, with another round pushing up from beneath!
All three types of FTF were instantly reduced by partial retraction and release of the slide, with each type, even the third, permitting the errant round to rise or dropthen enter the chamber.
No failures to fire, even though primer hits are slightly off center.
I have a new problem, though; the slide now fails to retract readily with hand pressure from the closed (in-battery) position, though firing isn't apparently affected. Since this seems to be a separate issue, I've started a new thread about it.
Thanks for looking.